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About the Sutton Information Hub

What is the Sutton Information Hub?

The Sutton Information Hub is a new website that provides residents with a single place to find information about local groups, clubs, services and support relevant to them.

Additionally, the website will bring together the SEND Local Offer, Family Information Service and the Care Leaver Local Offer. These pages will aim to provide specific information to support specific groups of residents. To begin with, only the Care Leavers Local Offer pages will be accessible. The Family Information Service and SEND Local Offer pages will be added after further feedback is gathered from children and young people SEND and families.

The Sutton Information Hub will continue to add more information on local organisations and services. We'll be looking at how the website is used to make improvements.

Who is the Sutton Information Hub for?

The Sutton Information Hub is for all residents in the borough, from children to older residents.

Professionals across all areas and services in Sutton can also use the Sutton Information Hub to find out about local services and groups that could be helpful for the residents they support.

Who runs the Sutton Information Hub?

The Sutton Information Hub is run by Sutton Council in collaboration with local partners, charities and statutory organisations, including Cognus and Community Action Sutton.

Which Council Services provide information on the Sutton Information Hub?

As well as being able to search for local organisations and groups a number of Council services provide information for the Sutton Information Hub. This information covers:

  • The Local Offer for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and their families, parents and carers.

  • The Local Offer for Care Leavers.

  • The Family Information Service for current and prospective parents.

  • Libraries and heritage sites.

  • Parks and open spaces.

We are hopeful of bringing more information onto this website as residents and professional use it and we understand better what they are searching for.

Would you like you Service's information on the Sutton Information Hub?

If you'd like your service's information to be listed on the Sutton Information Hub, please register for the Sutton Information Hub here. It's free, you can upload images videos and other information about the support you offer and you are in control of the information you put onto the website. Once your registration has been approved, you will be able to login and add/edit your organisation's information. Please note that you'll need to use a mobile number when registering as this is used during the 2-step verification process.

To learn more about the Sutton Information Hub, you can also register for one of our online provider drop ins. Registration is free and it's an opportunity to learn more about our aims for the site and how to update your service profiles. If you have any other questions, please email the Sutton Information Hub Team.