Terms and Conditions
Welcome to suttoninformationhub.org.uk (referred to on this page as "Sutton Information Hub", "we", "our", "us") and our curated list of locally available services, activities and information (referred to in this page as "services"). This site has been created for residents of the London Borough of Sutton and professionals who support them. By accessing our site you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and our terms of use policy.
This page (together with the documents and resources referred or linked to on it) outlines the terms and conditions on which we and our partners offer services to you. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before accessing our site. If you have any questions relating to these terms and conditions please email the Sutton Information Hub. If you do not accept these terms and conditions in full please do not use our site.
If you have an emergency, you should seek immediate advice from an emergency service or if you have any other problem that requires urgent attention you should seek independent advice or another form of assistance away from this site. This site is not for any urgent assistance.
1. Our Liability
Sutton Information Hub makes every effort to provide up-to-date and accurate information on this website. Sutton Information Hub has endeavoured to ensure that to the best of its knowledge, the information provided on this website is accurate at the time of publication. Sutton Information Hub will not be liable (to the fullest extent permitted at law) for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence of any use of or the inability to use any information on this site. The listing of a service, and any future online referral option, in no way should be viewed as an endorsement or recommendation by Sutton Information Hub. If you find information on this site that is incorrect or out of date please email the Sutton Information Hub.
2. Sharing Sutton Information Hub & Open Data
You may place a link from your website suttoninformationhub.org.uk provided you do not imply that suttoninformationhub.org.uk is endorsing your website, or your products or services, or in the context of presenting information that is objectively false about Sutton Information Hub.
In the design of the site we have looked at ways to make the data as open as possible. If you would like to utilise any website content it must be done legally and without infringing on our intellectual property rights. Further details can be found on our Github page.
3. Accessibility Statement for the Sutton Information Hub
Read our Accessibility Statement here.
4. Provider conditions
The criteria for a provider being included on the Sutton Information Hub online directory are as follows:
Council, voluntary and community sector services.
Services for children, young people and families.
Education services for children, young people and adults.
Faith based services (not prothletising).
Commercial services providing activities for all residents.
Home care agencies (registered by the Care Quality Commission) who provide care workers to visit people in their own homes to provide them with personal care support.
Care Homes (registered by the Care Quality Commission) who provide residential care services for residents.
Services for adults that are not registered with the Care Quality Commission.