London Futures helps individuals with disabilities across London find and secure employment.
- SEND Local Offer
London Futures is an award-winning employability programme that engages young Londoners aged 18 - 30 with a disability, helping them transition into work, education or training through sport and personalised career development.  London Futures will deliver weekly sport and mentoring sessions between October 2021 - April 2022 during term time to start young Londoners career journeys. Young Londoners will be able to access one to one personalised career development advice and support both within sessions, as well as throughout the week. There will also be a weekly virtual meeting where young Londoners will be updated around work placements, volunteering opportunities, work opportunities and hear from guest speakers representing different career industries. London Futures will be developing an Inclusive Employers Network working closely with a range of employers from different industries to support them in their inclusive practices, as well as work with them in offering our young people work experience, work placements, and job opportunities to those who are suitable. London Futures is delivered by Coach Mentors with credible lived experience of having a disability themselves, and who have gone through the journey of achieving employment through the dedicated support of credible role models.
Contact: London Futures - The Change Foundation
London Futures helps individuals with disabilities across London find and secure employment.
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