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Sutton Salvation Army Church.

Sutton Salvation Army Church is part of a community of people living here in Sutton. Our Christian faith calls us to be good neighbours and to partner with local organisations in order to make a positive difference right here. We want to do all we can to help make our community a fun, fair and friendly place for all. Toddler Time is a safe, well run and exciting group led by volunteers from the church and open to all pre-school age children. It takes place term-time Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. We also provide space for a self-support group on Friday mornings for new parents.

Get in touch

Contact: Sutton Salvation Army Church.


  • service


    Sutton Salvation Army Church provides a community space for people to connect and meet. You can visit us at our Sunday gatherings or you might just want to come by to visit our Coffee House in our foyer, our Toddler Groups, Community Choir, Art Group, Bible Study, or Mid- week gathering.

    Sutton Salvation Army Church.


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