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Tennis 4 Tots

Tennis 4 Tots is designed to be FUN and FULL OF ENERGY! Each session will be held indoors and will build on your child's physical, social and emotional development along with focusing on the main basic principles of Tennis; Agility, Balance, Co-ordination. During these crucial toddler years, we know your child is always learning and the best way to learn at this age is through play and fun activities, this is why each session is packed full of fun, imaginative and engaging activities and games, whilst also working on the basic skills that are needed to play tennis. The skills your child will learn during Tennis 4 Tots sessions will encourage their development, which will prepare them for their school years, while meeting important pre-school learning objectives such as colour, number and body-part recognition; counting, socialising, following instructions and using their imagination.

Get in touch

Contact: Tennis 4 Tots



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