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Provision Maps

Find useful information on provision mapping and how to access the software.

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Provision mapping is a way that schools can show how they use the provision available in their school setting which is additional to or different from the school’s regular curriculum.

The use of provision maps can help SENCO's to maintain an overview of the programmes and interventions used with different groups of pupils and provide a basis for monitoring the levels of intervention as well as the outcomes from different interventions. It underpins the Assess Plan Do Review process.

All schools in Sutton have access to the same ‘Provision Mapping' software. The Local Authority has purchased licences for provision mapping software for ALL schools in Sutton. The consistent use of provision mapping software is a key part of the work taking place in SENCO clusters. Provision mapping software will, over time, be a powerful tool for schools in the local area to plan their provision, share information (for example at transition points) and strengthen their provision. If you want to find out more about provision mapping please contact your Lead SENCO. Visit the website to learn more on the provision mapping website [External Link]. 

Schools are at different stages of implementation in their use of the software.  However we strongly encourage SENCOs in schools to use the software (if nothing else it saves a lot of time for SENCOs in their day to day job!!). 

Sutton’s provision mapping software will help schools on the following key areas:

Pupil Passports - key information about students in a variety of formats including one-page-profiles or detailed reports.

Flexible Learning Plans - to share the pertinent information about students with all staff in the school quickly and easily.

Provision Mapping - to map out interventions and to keep track of the pupils and staff involved  in each intervention.

Transition - provision mapping allows Sutton’s schools to move plans/provisions/passports/files/meeting logs for a pupil from one school to another.

Parent/carer and pupil involvement - the ability to share a pupil’s plan with their parent/carers. 

Outcome Tracking - makes it easier for schools to see the impact of the interventions and plans they have in place and take action accordingly.

If you would like to find out more about Provision mapping or need help on the use of provision mapping software please contact your Lead Cluster SENCO.