The 15th Wallington Scout Group provides fun and adventure for young people with additional needs.
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It is a time to play games, have discussions, make something, chat and have a Bible story/discussion. We meet every Friday during term time.
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We are a Christian youth organisation that helps girls and women explore and engage with real life and Christian faith in fun, informative and hopeful ways. During the weekly sessions the girls/young people will have fun, make friends, discover gifts, take up opportunities to develop leadership and life skills and develop their potential.
The 15th Wallington Scout Group provides fun and adventure for young people with additional needs.
We offer activities for children in the age groups 6-8yrs(Beavers), 8yrs-10.5yrs (Cubs), 10.5yrs - 14.5yrs (Scouts). Adults wishing to become volunteer leaders are always very welcome.