Adzuna is the straight-shooting job search engine that helps you zero in on the right role.
Jobtensor provides smarter search algorithms for jobs in the field of Natural Science, IT and Engineering.
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Jobtensor helps companies of all sizes to attract specialists from the fields of natural sciences, IT and technology. Their solutions go far beyond the old "post and pray" of traditional portals. In their Tensorlabs ©, JT are researching new paths for candidate search under high pressure and with in-house expertise.
Jobtensor helps the recruiters, HR departments and whole companies to achieve more. JT give clients the right tools to hire the right people and do it easier and faster.
Adzuna is the straight-shooting job search engine that helps you zero in on the right role.
Berry Recruitment is part of the Berry Recruitment Group, a highly respected organisation based in St. Albans, Hertfordshire. The Group was formed by a team of industry experts including Tony Berry (the former Chairman of Blue Arrow and Manpower) and Ian Langley (former Chairman and current Director
Outlines the Plan for Jobs and offers support and advice for employers concerning the Kickstart scheme.