Key information
Age Group
- 12 - 15 years
- 16 - 18 years
- 19 - 20 years
- 21 - 30 years
- 31 - 40 years
- 41 - 50 years
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Learning disability
- Mental health
What is this service?
Short breaks
At OPL, we also run a short breaks service for young people ages 15 and above. This runs during the school holidays. There will be a range of engaging activities focusing on life skills, engagement, creativity and community trips.
Criteria: Diagnosis/need: Young people must have a diagnosis or autism and/or a learning disability and communication and sensory needs.
Age: 15 plus
Where and when: we accept people across South West London. The provision will be up to 5 days a week 10 AM - 3 PM.
Funding: If you are interested in your young person having a place at our provision please contact us for an application form and contact your local adult social care team. Self-funding and direct payments are available and if you would like to consider this please email us
What we offer?
- Saturdays
- Sundays
- School holidays
Good to know
- Cost: 65
- Signing up:
If you would like a place at our short breaks service please email