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Strategic Mentoring

I train professionals to become effective, high-impact mentors for children and young people.

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Strategic Mentoring

What is this service?

Participants who attend this session will:

Explore and learn about the role of a mentor for young people.

Cultivate effective mentoring skills to ensure mentoring sessions are student-focused, purposeful and accessible.

Learn how to empower the young people they are working with to drive positive change and personal growth.

Understand professional boundaries, signposting and self-care.

Make a positive difference in a young person's life.

This session targets adults and professionals who:

➤ Provide one-to-one sessions with young individuals, such as for mentoring, outreach or youth work.

➤ Are volunteer or paid mentors, or are considering becoming mentors.

➤ Want to build their confidence in their role as a mentor.

➤ Wish to advance their one-to-one sessions for young people.

➤ Seek mentoring training to enhance their continuous professional development and develop their expertise in this area.

You will find this session useful particularly if you are a Learning Mentor, Learning Support Assistant, Teaching Assistant, Scout Leader, Girl Guides Leader, Outreach Worker, Youth Worker, Inclusion Lead, Designated Safeguarding Lead, SENDCO, Youth Offending Team Worker, Pastoral Lead, Social Worker or in a similar role.

Post-16 students who are responsible for mentoring younger students in their school will also find this training useful.

Additional information:

The duration of this training session is approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. Participants will receive via e-mail a certificate of attendance to evidence their continuous professional development.

Book your place and join the next online group session!

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