What is this group?
Sutton Together operates as a Hub and Spoke Model and agreed the following 'spokes' to become the focus for their collective work. These four spokes are young people, domestic abuse, health and wellbeing and community development.
Sutton Together typically looks to meet four times a year, quarterly where possible, however the spokes may meet more frequently to discuss opportunities.
To learn more about Sutton Together and how a spoke model works, or to apply to join the consortium, please visit our webpage here: https://www.communityactionsutton.org.uk/our-work/sutton-together/
What we offer?
- Networking and collaboration
- Partnership working
- Collective voice for VCS
- Shared learning
- Shared knowledge
- Shared best practice
- Shared resources
Good to know
- Cost: Free
- Additional information:
What is a consortium?
A consortium is a group made up of two or more individuals, companies, or governments that work together to achieving a common objective. For Sutton Together, this is a collection of non-governmental, non-profit organisations that focus on creating social change and impact, rather than profit.
Sutton Together is a group of Sutton Voluntary and Community Sector organisations. The idea is that there is strength in numbers, that organisations are stronger with a consortium in place.