Information and advice for children and young people on a wide range of themes and topics.
- Early Help
Here4YOUth Sutton is a young person's alcohol and drug service for anyone up to the age of 18 living in Sutton.
Page last updated
Sutton Here4YOUth is a children and young people’s drug and alcohol service based in Sutton. The service aims to offer advice, support and guidance to children and young people on drug and alcohol use and signpost young people to other support services. Sutton Here4YOUth also offers drug and alcohol training for professionals who work with children and young people.
This service also provides support for children, young people and family members to cope with someone else’s drug or alcohol misuse, and offers additional support to those 18-21 transitioning from young people to adult drug services.
When you work alongside Here4YOUth, you will have access to the following:
One to one support with your own key worker
Job and career support
Links to sexual health support
Clinical support appointments with a nurse
Family and carer support
Lifestyle advice
Information and advice about drug and alcohol use
General health advice
Pharmacological support
Chlamydia testing
Drug and alcohol training for professionals who work with young people
Drug and alcohol awareness education workshops and assemblies for schools and colleges and targeted workshops
Involvement other services as agreed
Vape Support
There is no parking available on site, however there is pay and display outside.
Information and advice for children and young people on a wide range of themes and topics.
Children's Centres provide a range of services in your local community that include activities, services, and information and advice for local families.
Children's Centres provide a range of services in your local community that include activities, services, and information and advice for local families.