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The role of Headteachers

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There is an expectation that Headteachers should use their best efforts to make sure that a child with SEND gets the support they need.

Headteachers should:

  • Provide strategic leadership for a whole school ethos. This should support high aspirations for all children and young people, including those with SEND.

  • Support data driven, evidence-informed practice.

  • Ensure that the SENDCo is able to influence strategic decisions about SEND.

  • Ensure the wider school community understands effective SEND provision for whole school improvement. This includes from governors to class / subject teachers and teaching assistants.

  • Put in place arrangements to ensure parents and carers are regularly engaged in discussions. This includes about the progress of their child. This should happen at least three times a year.

  • Ensure processes are in place for involving parents, carers and young people in reviewing their individual plans. They should also be involved in whole-school provision for SEND.

  • Developing relationships with next-stage educational providers including post 16 settings, supporting seamless transitions.