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Early Identification and Notification of SEND

Find out what happens when a professional identifies a child as having SEND. 

Page last updated

Under Section 23 of the Children and Families Act 2014, Clinical Commissioning Groups, NHS Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts MUST inform the appropriate Local Authority if they identify a child under compulsory school age as having, or probably having, a disability or special educational need(s). 

In Sutton, the Early Identification and Notifications form is available on the Local Offer. Parental consent must be obtained before the notification is sent to the Early Years SEND Advisory Team at Cognus Limited. 

The purpose of the notification is to ensure the Local Authority is aware of children with special educational needs or disabilities so that appropriate support can be put into place. The notification is NOT intended to serve as a recommendation for specialist provision, but as an indication that a child may, either currently or in the future, need additional support. 

Actions taken by the Local Authority once a notification is received

1. Professional identifies a child as having SEND. 

2. Complete Early identification and Notification form and sent to the Early Years SEND Advisory Team:

3. Early years SEND Team record notification on Notification Register and discussed at the multi-agency Early Support Panel (fortnightly). 

4. Early Years (EY) SEND Team works with the Early Years setting and/or family. 

Colleagues may also seek access to services provided by Children with Disabilities Team, including Early Support. Refer to What to do if you are worried about a child on the LBS Website [External Link].

For children attending a Sutton EY setting - half termly contact and visits. 

  • Establish cycle of graduated response - Assess/Plan/Do/Review

  • Liaise with other agencies involved

  • Allocate inclusion funding if appropriate/Advise/help on EHCNA requrest where appropriate

  • Signpost to other agencies as appropriate

  • Support transitions into school term prior to transfer.

For children not yet attending EY setting - termly contact by phone

EY SEND Team contact parents to support and advise on:

  • Signposting to other services

  • Free childcare entitlement

  • ENCP processes

  • Transition into school

For children in an out-of-borough (OOB) setting - termly contact by phone plus one visit if needed. 

EY SEND Team contact setting to offer support and advice:

  • Liaise with EY team in local borough

  • Transition to school

  • EHCNA requests as appropriate

  • Signposting to Sutton local services

Download an Early Identification Health flow chart on the LBS website [External Link].

Download an Early Identification Health Notification Form on the LBS website [External Link].