Resources for Emotional Wellbeing
On this page you will find useful resources and national support to yours and your child/young persons emotional well-being.
Learn moreFind out about health services available for children, young people and their families who have a range of needs.
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There are different health services to help and support children, young people and their families who have a range of needs.
Please note, some services are available to everyone but some you may need to be referred for.
A learning disability is when someone finds it harder to learn things. This can be specific, for example in maths or English, or more general. A learning disability does not mean you cannot learn something, but that you may need more support.
If you think you have a learning disability, you can ask to be on the learning disability register. You don't have to be diagnosed to join. Being on the register helps your doctor understand you better. This means if you ever get sick, they know how to help you. It's like a way to get more personalised care. To find out more, visit the MENCAP Learning Disability Register page [External Link].
The Health Adjustment Passport (HAP) for anyone with a disability or health condition. It identifies the support you might need while working or transitioning into work. This could include:
Access to Work
Funding for specialised equipment
Transportation to and from work
Support during work hours.
The HAP is owned by you, so you get to decide how it is used. It is also up to you to decide if you want to complete the passport. A work coach can support you with this if needed. For more information, visit the Health Adjustment Passport page [External Link].
The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) protects people who may not be able to make informed decisions about their own care and treatment. This can be for a range of reasons. It applies to people aged 16 and over.
It covers a wide range of reasons. These can be something simple like deciding what to wear or buy when shopping. They can also be serious life changing decisions. These include moving home or having a major operation. To learn more, visit the NHS Mental Capacity Act page [External Link].
For an easy read guide to the MCA, visit the Local Government Association website [External Link].
The Children’s Continence Service is available for children and young people aged 5 to 18. This is for young people who have issues with their bladder or bowel. This can include daytime wetting and soiling. To access this service, the young person must be registered with a GP in Sutton.
Specialist nurses run the service. They complete an assessment to find out more about your young person's needs
The team is able to offer:
Advice and support around toilet training and healthy bladder and bowels.
Continence support for children who have additional needs.
Assessment and advice for children who have more complex needs. They can also provide continence products if you are eligible.
You must be referred to the service through a health professional. This can include GPs, School Nurses or Health Visitors.
There is a separate service for overnight bed wetting (enuresis). This is run by the Sutton School Nursing Team. To find out more, visit the Sutton School Nursing Service directory page.
If a young person needs more tests, then they will be referred to a Consultant Paediatrician or a Paediatric Urologist.
To find out more about the Children's Continence Service, visit Sutton Health and Care website [External Link].
The Looked After Children’s Health Service is also known as the LAC Service.
The LAC Service is available for children aged 0 to 18 years old. It is for those who are looked after by the London Borough of Sutton.
The service is run by specialist nurses. They make sure that all children who are looked after have an annual health assessment. This is under statutory guidance. This means that these health assessments must be carried out. If a child is under five, they should have a check every six months.
The team can offer:
An annual or six-monthly health assessment for all children who are looked after.
Onward referral to other health professionals where needed.
Social services will refer you to this service.
The Community Paediatric Medical Service provides medical care to vulnerable young people. This may be due to illness, disability or disadvantage. They also support their families. They can provide assessment and diagnosis as well as support.
To access the service, the young person must be under 18 and registered with a Sutton GP. They must also already be under one of the following areas:
Services for children and young people with disabilities and complex health needs
Services to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. This includes contributing to EHCNAs and annual reviews of EHCPs.
Safeguarding and protecting children and young people.
Services for Looked After Children. This includes adoption and fostering services.
The service provided by Epsom and St Helier NHS Trust. Referrals are usually made by GP or healthcare professional. For more information, visit the Community Paediatrics page on the St Helier website [External Link].
A service provided by a department of King’s College Hospital that works in the community. In Sutton, you can access the service at Green Wrythe Lane Clinic.
You can access the service if you live in:
To be eligible, the young person must have one of the following:
A physical disability.
Medically complex conditions.
A learning disability.
Severe anxiety or phobia.
A severe mental health condition.
Most patients are referred to the service by a healthcare professional. These include, dentists, doctors, health visitors, school nurses and therapists. To find out more, visit the Kings College Community Special Care Dentistry pages [External Link].
For advice on dental care for children with Autism, visit the Byte Community Initiatives page [External Link].
The London Ambulance Service has produced resources to support young people using them. They are aimed at young people with a learning disability or autism. These resources are designed to help you know what to expect when an ambulance comes to see you. This includes any assessments they make ask you to complete and what the inside of an ambulance is like. They also aim to answer any questions you may have.
Their content includes:
Requests from people who have experienced the ambulance service.
An easy read document.
A social story.
A video.
To view the resources, visit the London Ambulance Learning Disabilities and Autism Zone [External Link].
The NHS has general information about moving from children's to adult social care. To learn more, visit the NHS Moving from Children's Social Care to Adult's Social Care page [External Link].
For more information about health and preparing for adulthood, visit our preparing for adulthood pages.
On this page you will find useful resources and national support to yours and your child/young persons emotional well-being.
Learn moreFind out information on the CAMHS Services in Sutton.
Learn moreFind out what happens when a professional identifies a child as having SEND.
Learn moreFind out information on Clinical Psychology and the Autism Pathway.
Learn moreFind out more about how to support medical conditions in school. You can also find out about specific conditions.
Learn moreHere you can find information about services to support young people with complex medical needs.
Learn more