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Understanding Personal Budgets

On this page you will find some of the most commonly asked questions and answers around personal budgets.

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Below you'll find a list of frequently asked questions from parents and carers.

1. Is a Personal Budget used to help pay for the cost of a school place?

No, a Personal Budget is to pay for the additional support a child or young person needs. This is not for an early years, school or college placement.

2. Is there extra money for Personal Budgets?

There is not extra money for personal budgets. However, there may be ways to better use the funds. This can be done by pooling budgets or using a combination of different funding streams.

**3. Who will support a child in school? **

It is not possible for parents to decide who will support their child in school. If you have a particular professional in mind, you will need the written consent of the head teacher. This is the case even if their Personal Budget is in the form of a Direct Payment.

**4.  Can I have more information on Personal Budgets and draft EHC Plans? **

LAs must provide information, advice and support to the parent, carers or the young person about Personal Budgets. This must happen when working on the draft EHC Plan. This includes the provision for which a Personal Budget may be available. The Code of Practice states that Local Authorities should have a Personal Budget policy. This is part of the Local Offer. To read Sutton's policy, visit our Personal Budgets Policy page. To get information, support or advice, contact SIASS.

**5. How do I ask for a Personal Budget? **

The responsibility is on parents/carers or young people to request a Personal Budget. You can request a personal budget

  • when the local authority has completed an EHC needs assessment and confirmed that it will prepare an EHC plan

  • or during a statutory review of an existing EHC plan (commonly known as the Annual Review process)

6. What happens if the Local Authority refuses a request for a Personal Budget?

Local Authorities can refuse a request for a Personal Budget under certain circumstances.

  • when it is not possible to separate the provision for your child/you from that being made for other children or young people.

  • when the personal budget has been requested to fund a school place or post-16 institution

  • where agreement cannot be reached with the early years setting, school or college to deliver provision through a personal budget

  • when the personal budget would have an adverse impact on services provided or arranged by the local authority for other EHC plan holders, or

  • where it should not be an efficient use of the local authorities resources

7.  Is there a universal approach to agreeing a Personal Budget?

Local Authorities cannot have a universal approach to agreeing a Personal Budget. Agreement must always be on an individual basis.

**8. How can I spend a Personal Budget? **

A Personal Budget does not mean the family can spend the money as they like. You agree how the budget will be spent at the time the budget is allocated. It can only be spent on the agreed elements of support that it is designed to cover.

**9. What are the timings for requesting a Personal Budget? **

You can request one at the time the draft Plan is being drawn up and through the review of the EHCP process (commonly known as annual review), you can request a personal budget

  • when the local authority has completed an EHC needs assessment and confirmed that it will prepare an EHC plan

  • or during a statutory review of an existing EHC plan 9commonly known as the Annual Review process)

10. Where do Personal Budgets fit in with the SEND Tribunal?

You cannot apply to the SEND Tribunal if you do not get a Personal Budget. The SEND Tribunal cannot resolve disputes in relation to Personal Budgets. The only legal option available to parents/carers or young people is judicial review.

11. How can I find out about Personal Budgets within the LA’s Local Offer?

You can find the information and policy on Personal Budgets, on this link on the Local Offer.

12. Can the school make the decisions on a Personal Budget?

No. It is not up to the school, but the local authority.