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Managing Money for Young People with SEND

In this section you will find disability-related financial support, including Managing Money Training and Personal Budgets.

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There is lots of financial support that you may be able to claim.

Cost of Living

The UK is currently in a Cost of Living crisis. This means that everyday things such as food and heating cost a lot more than usual. The government is offering support to help you with the cost of living crisis. To see what support is being offered and if you are eligible to claim, visit the Help for Households site [External Link].

Financial Help if You're Disabled

There is a wide range of disability-related financial support. This including benefits, tax credits, payments, grants and concessions.

The government has a more detailed overview of the support that you may be able to receive. It breaks down what you could get for each benefit, eligibility and how to claim it. To find out more, Visit the governments Financial Help if You're Disabled Page [External Link].

Blind Person’s Allowance

The Blind Person’s Allowance allows you to receive an amount of income without having to pay tax. It’s added to your personal tax allowance. To claim this, you must be registered as blind or severely sight impaired and have a certificate that states this. For more information, visit the Blind Person's Allowance pages [External Link].

Disability Student Allowance (DSA)

Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) can help you while you are studying. It can cover some of the extra costs you have because of a long-term disability or health problem. You get your allowance as well as any other student loans you have. You do not need to repay DSA's. To find out more, visit the Disabled Student Allowance pages [External Link].

Universal Credit

Universal Credit gives you support if you are on a low income. It is a monthly payment that covers a range of areas such as housing, income and job seekers. You usually have to be 18 to claim universal credit, but there are times when 16- and 17-year-olds can claim too. For more information, visit the Universal Credit site [External Link].

Working Tax Credits

Working Tax Credit can support you if you are on low pay. You can claim more than the basic rate if you have a disability. To find out more, visit the Working Tax Credit pages [External Link].

You can only make a new claim for this if you already get the severe disability premium. If you don't qualify through this, you should look at applying for Universal Credit instead. To learn more, visit the Disability Premium pages [External Link].

Job Seekers Allowance

You can now only apply for Jobseekers allowance if you are already receiving the severe disability premium. You'll need to prove that you are looking for work while claiming this. For more information, visit the Jobseeker's Allowance pages [External Link].

Again, if you do not qualify for this, you can try and apply for Universal Credit instead.

Child Trust Fund

Child Trust Funds are long-term savings accounts set up for every child born between 1 September 2002 and 2 January 2011. They are now known as junior ISAs. The government provided an initial deposit of at least £250 to each account. For more information, visit the Child Trust Fund pages [External Link].

On your child's 18th birthday, the Child Trust Fund matures. This means that: 

  • Your child automatically takes over the account.

  • You cannot add any money to the account.

From this point, your child can either:

  • Take out the money.

  • Transfer the money to an adult ISA.

The Child Trust Fund will then close. Until your child withdraws or transfers the money, it stays in an account that no one else has access to.

If you child lacks the mental capacity to manage their account when it matures someone can manage their account for them. You or a close friend or relative need to apply to the Court of Protection. They will decide whether to award you financial deputyship to do this. For more information, visit the Deputies pages [External Link].

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