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Advocacy Services

Here you will find information about Advocacy Services.

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An Advocate is someone who can help you. They get your opinions and feelings heard by the adults who are making decisions about you.

What does Advocacy mean?

An Advocate can support you to make sure you have your voice heard. They can also represent you in meetings where decisions are made about you. They can help you to:

  • Understand your rights.

  • Make a complaint if you are not happy about something.

  • Ensure your views and feelings are heard.

  • That you are fully involved in decisions about your life.

  • Understand a process.

If you would like to know more about what an advocate could do to support children looked after please visit the Volunteer Centre Sutton website [External Link]

Children Looked After (CLA) Advocacy Services

Together for Sutton - Delivered by Volunteer Centre Sutton

Together for Sutton is paid for by the Local Authority to provide advocacy for children and young people in Sutton. This is delivered by Volunteer Centre Sutton Advocates. It is available to children and young people who:

  • Are looked after - for example, a child in foster care or a child looked after by the London Borough of Sutton.

  • A care leaver - for example, somebody leaving foster care and transitioning into adult life.

  • A child with a child protection plan aged 8 or older and known to the London Borough of Sutton.

  • All of the above but living with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

For more information, visit the Volunteer Centre Sutton website [External Link].

If you would like to contact Volunteer Centre Sutton to speak about this service please visit their Contact Us page [External Link].

Adults Advocacy Services

Together for Sutton - Delivered by Advocacy for All

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 is a legal framework. It outlines decision making for people who cannot always make decisions for themselves. This does not mean that you are not able to make some choices on your own. You may just need help with certain tasks or decisions. This may include filling out forms or exploring course options. Making difficult choices is a skill that can often be learned. This can be part of your preparation to transition into adult life.

Together for Sutton is paid for by the Local Authority to provide advocacy for adults in Sutton. This is delivered by Advocacy for All.

There are many types of advocacy available to adults who may need these services at different times in their life, for more information visit the Advocacy for All Sutton pages [External Link].

Action Voices

Action Voices is a group for young people aged 12-25 with learning disabilities. It supports its members to have their voice heard. This helps young people to speak up on topics they feel passionate about. They help to make changes that make life better for young people with SEND. To find out more and to see how you can get involved, visit the Actions Voices website [External Link].