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Understanding Next Steps Meetings (NSM)

Find out when a Next Steps Meeting (NSM) should be offered and who should organise and facilitate this.

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There is a protocol for managing the Next Steps Meeting (NSM). These follow from decisions not to initiate an EHCNA and decisions not to issue EHCPs.

Next Steps Meeting (NSM) is an opportunity for families and professionals to come together. 

What happens if the EHCNA is not agreed to?  

If a request for an EHCNA is not agreed a Next Steps meeting is offered. This may be based on information provided to the multi-agency SEND Panel.

The role of the SEND Panel is to support the Local Authority in making consistent and appropriate decisions within the statutory framework for SEND from ages 0-25. This framework specifically includes the Children and Families Act 2014. The Panel is advisory. 

This is an opportunity for parents and carers to meet with professionals and the education setting. It allows them to consider what the next steps are for everyone involved to help the young person fulfil their desired outcomes. This is also where a new SSP can be developed. Read more about SEND Support Plans. The meeting is organised and facilitated by a member of the Cognus education services. These services may include:

  • Therapies

  • Educational Psychology Services

  • SEN Support.

It could also be any service who can provide input relevant to the young person's needs.

Part of the discussion may be about how the school can use its notional funding effectively. This would mean that needs can continue to be met from the school’s resources.  There may also be a discussion about how an Additional Support Contract could be useful. This is targeted funding for time-limited, specific interventions.  The discussion could also include what further information might be useful to help the Panel review the previous decision.

What happens if an EHCNA is carried out but it is shown that an EHCP is not required?

If the information provided to the Local Multi-Agency SEND Panel leads them to advise the Local Authority that an EHCP is not in fact required then a Next Steps Meeting is arranged by the SEND Service.  This will be led by a member of the Cognus Education services. They will be well placed to support the development of an SSP based on the information gathered through the EHC Needs Assessment.

Part of the discussion will be about how the school can continue to use its notional funding so that needs can be met from the school’s resources.  There may also be a discussion about how an Additional Support Contract could be useful. There may also be consideration of what support from other services might be appropriate.