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Archived SEND News and Updates

View archived material of news and updates shared in previous years.

Page last updated

We keep an archive of news and updates, as some of the resources and information may still be useful for parents and professionals.

Autism Surgery for Professionals

Advisory Teacher for Autism, Alex is offering professionals the opportunity to sign up for a 1:1 30-minute Teams call to discuss individual cases and offer practical strategies and support.

When: Friday 17th January 9am - 12pm

To book a slot, email:

Talk Autism forum for parents and carers

Talk Autism is a forum for parents and carers of children, young people and adults with autism.

Next event:

Monday 13 January 2025 10am – 12pm


In-person at the Chaucer Centre, Canterbury Road, Morden SM4 6PX

The workshop will comprise:

✓ The young people sharing their experiences & perspective

✓ The importance of equal opportunity employment

✓ How an employer approaches making reasonable adjustments

in an audio-visual stimulating environment

✓ Questions and answer session

Refreshments and opportunities for parents and carers to meet

The session is appropriate to parents and carers of children, young people & adults with autism.

Register now to attend this free session by contacting Maria Solari:

By email:

Phone: 07709 715206

Join us for a themed discussion and get advice for the children you care for

Meet with other carers and have some time to ask questions. Education and therapeutic specialists will be on hand to answer questions and offer advice.

30/01/2025 - 10:30-12:30pm - Supporting young people who have anxiety, PDA or neurodivergence

Where: The Cabin, Sutton Family Centre, SM1 2SD

Sign up using the google form [External Link]

You are invited to attend Fast Forward Alternative Provision meeting

Fast Forward Vocational Training are holding a provisional site visit.

From this meeting we will confirm numbers of students who wish to start with us and host a taster day for our potential students before their course starts. The last enrolment date for students to gain a qualification with is week commencing Monday 3rd February, so we foresee this moving during the next term very quickly.


17th January 2025 at 1:30pm


Team Sport Mitcham, Unit 18 Streatham Road, Mitcham, CR4 2AP

To confirm your attendance please email:

Start Well Sutton SEND Christmas Stay and Play session

Start Well Sutton Children's Centres and Family hub are hosting a SEND Christmas Stay and Play session.

When: Monday 23rd December 10am-12pm

Click on the link to book your space [External Link]

Sutton Music Trust would like your support!

Sutton Music Trust are keen to find ways in which they can continue to meet the needs of children and young people in Sutton with their music making.

Please help Sutton Music Trust by answering this short survey [External Link].

Responses should be received by 27th November 2024.

The Fantastic Freddie Foundation - Christmas Club Night

Join the Fantastic Freddie Foundation at their Christmas Club Night! The event will have a licensed bar, DJ booth, free accessible photo booth and free takeaway photos.

Where: The VBS Community Stadium, Gander Green Lane, Sutton, SM1 2EY

When: Wednesday 18th December 2024, 7pm-11pm

Tickets cost £10, support workers included in the price.

Get your tickets at GoodHub [External link] or get them directly through Charlie at

The Fantastic Freddie Foundation - Wellness and Pamper Day

Join the Fantastic Freddie Foundation for a free afternoon of relaxation complete with massages, beauty treatments and cocktail making. All genders and abilities welcome.

All treatments are done by professionals who have experience with SEND adults and young people. This event is for young disabled adults ages 15+.

Where: 1 Parker Close, Carshalton, SM3 3HF

When: Saturday 23rd November 2024, 12pm-4pm

To book your place email:

The Change Foundation – Adapted Sports Club

Are you or someone you know looking to try out adapted sports? The Change Foundation are hosting an adapted sports taster session on Tuesday 9th of April between 10 am and 11 am. A variety of inclusive sports will be available including table tennis, cricket and handball!

When: Tuesday 9th April, 10 – 11am

Where: The Cricket Centre, Plough Lane, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 8JQ

To sign up and show your interest, fill out the google form here [External Link].

If you have any questions, please contact Programme Manager Ryan Jones at

Cognus Autism Acceptance Events

The Cognus Autism Service is holding a wide range of events during autism acceptance week. There are events for young people and parents on a range of topics including crafting sessions, drama therapy and supporting challenging behaviour. To view all the events and to book your place, visit the Cognus Eventbrite page [External Link].

Your Voice Matters Report – January 2024

Barnardo’s recently spoke to young people at the Preparation for Adulthood event in November 2023. To see what they found out, read the Your Voice Matters Report – January 2024 [External Link].

Time to Talk Next Steps

A three-year project (2021-2024) to support young people with additional needs to build confidence, provide motivation and make plans for the future.

Time to Talk Next Steps is free support for young people in England in this age group with additional needs. It is for young people who are experiencing anxiety, isolation and who have limited or no plans for the future. You may be in school or in college or have finished all education and be unsure how to move forward.

Visit the Time to Talk Next Steps website [External Link]

Join Sutton Youth Board in improving where you live and study in the Borough of Sutton

Help Sutton Youth Board get your voice heard to improve where you live and study in the Borough of Sutton.

Benefits on joining them include:

  • Direct contact with decision makers

  • Represent what is important to you

  • Get your views taken seriously

  • By young people for young people

  • Plenty of snacks


Thursday 5th December


Central Sutton location

RSVP your space by contacting:

Free online 'Identity and self-exploration' group for young neurodivergent and/or disabled people aged 13-25

This group will give young people a space to talk, share and ask questions around their identity and identifying themselves. The young people will be given the space to think about all different elements of their identity and how they intersect with other elements. We will be thinking about taking your time to explore, change over time, self-acceptance,  how labels help some people and how labels do not feel necessary or helpful for other people. The group will be facilitated by neurodivergent and/or disabled youth-workers and mental health professionals from the LGBT + community.

If you know of any young people who might benefit, please share with them the below information. The group is open to all neurodivergent and/or disabled (or those awaiting or with suspected diagnosis) young people aged 13-25 regardless of how they do or don't identify, however the group could be especially beneficial to questioning young people. I have also attached a social media poster which if you can promote or share with your relevant networks, we would be really grateful.

"Finding your space and understanding yourself can be hard. Come along to this group to learn more about yourself and others. Accepting and understanding your own identity can help better your mental health. You will get to connect to your peers and make friends. You will also get to hear real life experiences and get advice from youth workers from diverse communities.

All discussion and participation in our groups is always optional, so please feel free to come along to learn and listen only.

This online group will be held on Tuesday 20 August from 5pm - half 6pm.

You can book online here: Identity and Self-Exploration - Young People's Hub from KIDS [External Link].

We run other online wellbeing groups for young neurodivergent and/or disabled people aged 13-25, please check them all out here: Our groups - Young People's Hub from KIDS [External Link].

If you have any questions or want to chat about your accessibility needs and how we can support you prior to accessing the group, please email:

Ordinarily Available Provision Workshops for Families

A session focusing on supporting pupils with additional needs in early years setting (nurseries), schools and colleges. In addition to the main session you can also book individual surgeries with:

·       Jane Morgan (Head of SEND Support)

·       Amalia Banon (Head of SEND)

·       Sandra Anto-Awuakye (Health)

·       Claire Jackson (Social Care)

When: Friday 21st June 2024. Session: 9.30-10.30am, surgeries: 10.30am-12pm

Where: Cognus, Cantium House, Railway Approach, Wallington, SM6 0DZ

To book your place in the session, or for any of the surgeries, please email

20 Week Process Workshop for Families

A session focusing on the 20 week process for pupils entering the SEND service. This includes on the EHCNA and EHCP process and the right to mediation and appeal. There will be a main session but you can also book individual surgeries with:

·       Amalia Banon (Head of SEND)

·       Jane Morgan (Head of SEND Support)

·       Sandra Anto-Awuakye (Health)

·       Claire Jackson (Social Care)

When: Friday 21st June 2024. Session: 1.30-2.30pm, surgeries: 2.30-4pm

Where: Cognus, Cantium House, Railway Approach, Wallington, SM6 0DZ

To book your place in the session, or for any of the surgeries, please email

Transition to Secondary School Session

Transfer to Secondary School for current Year 5 pupils with Education Health and Care Plans.

As part of your child’s transfer to secondary school in September 2025, Cognus would like to invite parent/carers to meet with us to discuss the process. The SEND team is offering a meeting at the Cognus office at Cantium House, Railway Approach Wallington, Surrey, SM6 ODZ to discuss the secondary transfer process on **8 May 2024 at 10am, **followed by workshops with the following teams:

1.     Independent Travel Training and Assisted Travel teams

2.     Therapy teams, both Speech & Language and Occupational Therapy

3.     SIASS – Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service Generic questions can be asked at these sessions. 

Please book a place (slots between 10.00am and 12 noon) via by Friday 3 May 2024.

Post 16 Transition Session

Post 16 Transfer for current Year 10 pupils with Education Health and Care Plans.

As part of your child’s transfer to post 16 education in September 2025, Cognus would like to invite parent/carers to meet with us to discuss the process. The SEND team is offering a meeting at the Cognus office at Cantium House, Railway Approach Wallington, Surrey, SM6 ODZ to discuss the post 16 transfer process on 24 April 2024 at 10am, followed by workshops with the following teams:

1.     Independent Travel Training and Assisted Travel teams

2.     Therapy teams, both Speech & Language and Occupational Therapy

3.     SIASS – Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service

4.     Partner colleges Generic questions can be asked at these sessions. 

Please book a place (slots between 10.00am and 12 noon)via by Friday 19 April 2024.

Come and Shape Your Local Parent Carer Forum

A message from Lara from Contact:

"My name is Lara and I am here in Sutton to hear from you on what you want from your local parent carer forum, a forum is: 

'A Parent Carer Forum is an organised group of parents and carers of disabled children and young people (0-25 years old) from a local area. Their aim is to work in a solution focused way to make sure that services in your local area meet the needs of children and young people with SEND/additional needs and their families.'

I have been asked by Contact (a national charity) to hear from the local area on what you want from a forum.

Come along on 18th March in person or join us online on 21st March to hear about what a parent carer forum is, to talk to me about how you would like it to work and if you want to be part of developing the forum! 

Please click on this link to register your place on the form here [External Link] or you can email me if you need more information on

Please share this information and the information in the attached poster with other parent carer's and I look forward to hearing from you!"

When: Face to Face - Monday 18th March 2024, 12 - 1:30pm, Online - Thursday 21st March 2024, 7-8pm

Where: Face to Face - Sutton Salvation Army Church, 45 Benhill Avenue, Sutton, SM1 4DD

Supported Internship Information Session for Parents and Carers

Want to know what a Supported Internship is? Come along to an online information session for parent/carers of young people aged 14-25 who have an Education Health and Care Plan to find out more about Supported Internships and how to get one. You will have the chance to hear from 2 providers of Supported Internships in Sutton and ask Benefit questions to Sutton’s Welfare Benefits Advice & Support Team Manager.

When: Monday 11th March 2024, 10:30 – 11:30 am

Where: Online

If you would like to attend, make sure you sign up by Wednesday 6th March. To do this, fill out the form here [External Link].

The Change Foundation – Adapted Sports Club

Are you or someone you know looking to try out adapted sports? The Change Foundation are hosting an adapted sports taster session on Tuesday 9th of April between 10 am and 11 am. A variety of inclusive sports will be available including table tennis, cricket and handball!

When: Tuesday 9th April, 10 – 11am

Where: The Cricket Centre, Plough Lane, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 8JQ

To sign up and show your interest, fill out the form here [External Link].

If you have any questions, please contact Programme Manager Ryan Jones at

Cognus Autism Acceptance Events

The Cognus Autism Service is holding a wide range of events during autism acceptance week. There are events for young people and parents on a range of topics including crafting sessions, drama therapy and supporting challenging behaviour. To view all the events and to book your place, visit the Cognus Eventbrite page [External Link].

Your Voice Matters Report – January 2024

Barnardo’s recently spoke to young people at the Preparation for Adulthood event in November 2023. To see what they found out, read the Your Voice Matters Report – January 2024 [External Link].

New Cognus Website

The new Cognus website is now live! Be sure to explore it and have a look around. You can find out more about Cognus and the services they provide on their website [External Link].

SIASS Social Media

Be sure to keep up to date with all the latest news over at SIASS by visiting their social media pages!

SIASS Facebook [External Link]

SIASS Twitter [External Link]

SIASS Instagram [External Link]

SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan Resources

The Council for Disabled Children have provided some resources setting out the actions government will take to improve the SEND and AP systems.

Read SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan Resources [External Link]. 

National Autistic Society Card and Autism Alert scheme

If you are autistic of have a family member who is autistic, sometimes it's helpful to have a discreet way to let people know you're autistic and might need a bit more support. Here are two different schemes which might be helpful. 

·       National Autistic Society Care is a good way for you to let people know that you are autistic and that you might need some extra time or help in certain situations. Download the Autistic Society Card from the national autistic society website [External Link].

·       The MET police has an 'autism alert' scheme, a credit card sized card and a more detailed A5 size passport which gives more details. Once an officer is handed the card, it helps identify the person is autistic and has additional needs. If you would like one for you or your family, email to ask for one and it will be sent to you. The police do not hold any personal data. 

ZSL London Zoo Community Access Scheme

Sutton Council is taking part in the community access scheme with ZSL London Zoo which allows the Council's people services and voluntary and community sector groups to access discounted tickets to the zoo for the people they work with. 

£3 tickets available for: low income families or individuals (proof of eligibility not required when booking via an organisation) and refugees

£6.50 tickets available for people over the age of 60 and may be at risk of isolation and people that have additional needs or disabilities (Free entry for one essential carer per paying disabled visitor). 

Fill in the form on the ZSL website to apply [External Link]. Select 'Sutton' for where users are based. 

Email for more information. 

Cost of Living Support

We are here to help you and those you care about with the rising cost of living.

Find out about the range of support provided by Sutton Council, community groups, local charities, and partners on the LBS website [External Link]. 

The HOPE Study (Health Outcomes of young People throughout Education)

The HOPE study is a new study at UCL and is funded by the National Institute for Health Research Programme for Applied Health Research. The Hope Study is investigating the impact of adjustments for special educational needs or disability (SEND) on children’s health using linked education and hospital data for all children in England (the ECHILD database).

The findings will enable policy makers, service providers and users to make evidence-informed decisions about benefits from SEND provision for health and education and which children benefit.

Find out how to get involved through the UCL website [External Link].

Ordinarily Available Provision Workshops for Families

A session focusing on supporting pupils with additional needs in early years setting (nurseries), schools and colleges. In addition to the main session you can also book individual surgeries with:

  • Jane Morgan (Head of SEND Support)

  • Amalia Banon (Head of SEND)

  • Sandra Anto-Awuakye (Health)

  • Claire Jackson (Social Care)

When: Friday 21st June 2024. Session: 9.30-10.30am, surgeries: 10.30am-12pm

Where: Cognus, Cantium House, Railway Approach, Wallington, SM6 0DZ

To book your place in the session, or for any of the surgeries, please email

20 Week Process Workshop for Families

A session focusing on the 20 week process for pupils entering the SEND service. This includes on the EHCNA and EHCP process and the right to mediation and appeal. There will be a main session but you can also book individual surgeries with:

  • Amalia Banon (Head of SEND)

  • Jane Morgan (Head of SEND Support)

  • Sandra Anto-Awuakye (Health)

  • Claire Jackson (Social Care)

When: Friday 21st June 2024. Session: 1.30-2.30pm, surgeries: 2.30-4pm

Where: Cognus, Cantium House, Railway Approach, Wallington, SM6 0DZ

To book your place in the session, or for any of the surgeries, please email

Transition to Secondary School Session

Transfer to Secondary School for current Year 5 pupils with Education Health and Care Plans.

As part of your child’s transfer to secondary school in September 2025, Cognus would like to invite parent/carers to meet with us to discuss the process. The SEND team is offering a meeting at the Cognus office at Cantium House, Railway Approach Wallington, Surrey, SM6 ODZ to discuss the secondary transfer process on **8 May 2024 at 10am, **followed by workshops with the following teams:

  1. Independent Travel Training and Assisted Travel teams

  2. Therapy teams, both Speech & Language and Occupational Therapy

  3. SIASS – Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service Generic questions can be asked at these sessions. 

Please book a place (slots between 10.00am and 12 noon) via by Friday 3 May 2024.

Post 16 Transition Session

Post 16 Transfer for current Year 10 pupils with Education Health and Care Plans.

As part of your child’s transfer to post 16 education in September 2025, Cognus would like to invite parent/carers to meet with us to discuss the process. The SEND team is offering a meeting at the Cognus office at Cantium House, Railway Approach Wallington, Surrey, SM6 ODZ to discuss the post 16 transfer process on 24 April 2024 at 10am, followed by workshops with the following teams:

  1. Independent Travel Training and Assisted Travel teams

  2. Therapy teams, both Speech & Language and Occupational Therapy

  3. SIASS – Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service

  4. Partner colleges Generic questions can be asked at these sessions. 

Please book a place (slots between 10.00am and 12 noon) via by Friday 19 April 2024.

Come and Shape Your Local Parent Carer Forum

A message from Lara from Contact:

"My name is Lara and I am here in Sutton to hear from you on what you want from your local parent carer forum, a forum is: 

'A Parent Carer Forum is an organised group of parents and carers of disabled children and young people (0-25 years old) from a local area. Their aim is to work in a solution focused way to make sure that services in your local area meet the needs of children and young people with SEND/additional needs and their families.'

I have been asked by Contact (a national charity) to hear from the local area on what you want from a forum.

Come along on 18th March in person or join us online on 21st March to hear about what a parent carer forum is, to talk to me about how you would like it to work and if you want to be part of developing the forum! 

Please click on this link to register your place on the form here [External Link] or you can email me if you need more information on

Please share this information and the information in the attached poster with other parent carer's and I look forward to hearing from you!"

When: Face to Face - Monday 18th March 2024, 12 - 1:30pm, Online - Thursday 21st March 2024, 7-8pm

Where: Face to Face - Sutton Salvation Army Church, 45 Benhill Avenue, Sutton, SM1 4DD

Supported Internship Information Session for Parents and Carers

Want to know what a Supported Internship is? Come along to an online information session for parent/carers of young people aged 14-25 who have an Education Health and Care Plan to find out more about Supported Internships and how to get one. You will have the chance to hear from 2 providers of Supported Internships in Sutton and ask Benefit questions to Sutton’s Welfare Benefits Advice & Support Team Manager.

When: Monday 11th March 2024, 10:30 – 11:30 am

Where: Online

If you would like to attend, make sure you sign up by Wednesday 6th March. To do this, fill out the form here [External Link].

The Change Foundation – Adapted Sports Club

Are you or someone you know looking to try out adapted sports? The Change Foundation are hosting an adapted sports taster session on Tuesday 9th of April between 10 am and 11 am. A variety of inclusive sports will be available including table tennis, cricket and handball!

When: Tuesday 9th April, 10 – 11am

Where: The Cricket Centre, Plough Lane, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 8JQ

To sign up and show your interest, fill out the form here [External Link].

If you have any questions, please contact Programme Manager Ryan Jones at

Cognus Autism Acceptance Events

The Cognus Autism Service is holding a wide range of events during autism acceptance week. There are events for young people and parents on a range of topics including crafting sessions, drama therapy and supporting challenging behaviour. To view all the events and to book your place, visit the Cognus Eventbrite page [External Link].

Your Voice Matters Report – January 2024

Barnardo’s recently spoke to young people at the Preparation for Adulthood event in November 2023. To see what they found out, read the Your Voice Matters Report – January 2024 [External Link].

Barnardo’s SEND partnership update

Work has now started on the Sutton Council and Barnardo’s innovative new partnership where we will work with parents and carers to help develop services and outcomes for children with special educational needs (SEND) in the borough. The goal of the partnership is to:

Co-design and implement a more consistent and inclusive model of support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and additional needs, to improve outcomes and experiences for all children and young people with SEND in Sutton 

The initiative will be a collaboration between a range of local area partners, with families being directly involved in helping to co-produce and shape services going forward.

**The partnership will be working towards three strategic aims: **

1.     Children and young people, parents/carers and professionals will be able to make positive and informed choices about the support that is available in the local area

2.     To develop a multi-disciplinary model of practice across education, social care, health and community partners that provides the right services to young people, in the right place at the right time to improve outcomes and help prepare young people for adulthood

3.     To strengthen confidence and resilience in the local area to improve the lived experience of children and young people / families with SEND

Congratulations to Claire Smith who has now been appointed as the Project Manager for the Partnership. The Strategic Partnership team has also appointed a Learning and Research partner, Dartington Service Design Lab, who will have a pivotal role in researching key areas of the SEND system locally and nationally to help shape the work in the Strategic Partnership. 

Governance has been agreed for the partnership and we have established an Aims and Enabling Group (AEG), meetings will occur initially every 6 weeks. 

This Group will be reporting and feeding into the Sutton SEND Partnership and other programme boards relevant to discussions and decisions as required.

Over the coming months, we will keep you  informed as the work progresses. This will include updates to the Local Offer. If you have any questions, please email Autism and Girls Parent Workshop

An opportunity to learn more about how to support your daughter with a diagnosis of autism.

When: Monday 6th November 2023, 4:30-5:30pm

Where: Cantium House, Railway Approach, Wallington, SM6 0DZ

To book email the Cognus Autism Service at:

Sutton Youth Summit

This free event is open to any young person in Sutton (11-25) and will include support & advice on the cost of living; information on careers, Further Education & apprenticeships. There will also be free food & drink; lots of fun activities and the chance to win a laptop & many other fantastic prizes.

When: Thursday 16th November 2023, 3-6:30pm

Where: Downstairs in the St Nicholas Centre, 3 St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1AY

Book your tickets through Volunteer Centre Sutton [External Link]

Free Autism Advice Sessions

An opportunity to talk about your young person and gain some new ideas, strategies and support.

When: Wednesday 11th October 2023, 1-4pm

Monday 6th November 2023, 9:30am-12:30pm

Tuesday 12th December 2023, 3-6pm

Where: 1:1 video call via Microsoft Teams 

To book email the Cognus Autism Service at:

Royal Mencap Society Supported Employment Event

The Supported Employment Service is moving to Royal Mencap Society. As part of this, Mencap are running a Supported Employment Event for families and partner organisations. You will have the chance to meet the team, find out about the service and celebrate recent achievements.

When: Thursday 7th December 2023, 1-3pm

Where: Hill House St. Helier, 33-47 The Green, Carshalton, SM4 6BL

To find out more and book a place, visit Mencap’s Eventbrite page [External Link].

Play and Stay February 2024

Join the Sutton Parent Carer forum for their final play and stay sessions before they hand them over to the Children’s Centre. These free sessions are for children with additional needs and/or disabilities who are aged 0 – 10 years and their parents/carers and siblings. SEND siblings over the age of 11 are welcome to join their younger SEND siblings in the afternoon and evening sessions! The SPCF would like to remind you to bring a change of clothes, waterproofs and warm clothing for your children as the outdoor area will be open!

When: Thursday 15th February, 10am-12.30pm, 1.30-4pm and 5-7:30pm

Where: Tweeddale Children Centre, Tweeddale Road, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 1SW (Limited parking is available in the David Weir Leisure Centre car park opposite or on the street).

You must book in advance due to high demand and parents must stay with their child for the session. To book your place, email

The Children's Trust School - Open Day

The Children’s Trust School are hosting an open day on Thursday 2nd November. Their school offers specialist education, health, therapy and care provision for children aged 2-19 with complex needs.

When: Thursday 2nd September 2023, 9:30am – 12pm

Where: The Children's Trust School, Tadworth Court, KT20 5RU

You can find out more about this event on the Children’s Trust event page found here [External Link].

Have your say on home to school assisted travel

Sutton Council is reviewing its home to school travel assistance service so that it can continue to support those who need it the most.

The consultation closed on 11 November 2023.

You can find out more about the consultation through the Sutton Council Consultation and Engagement Hub [External Link].

Sutton S.T.E.A.M fair 2023.

Family day. Saturday 1st July 11am - 1pm. Sutton High Street. All things S.T.E.A.M - science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics.

Inclusive Cycling Sessions

ECOlocal will be running inclusive cycle sessions throughout the summer at the David Weir Leisure Centre for adults & 14+ year olds on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 10am - 12noon. Find out the dates on the ecolocal website [External Link].

Summer Holiday Family Cycling Session

ECOlocal will be running Summer Holiday Family Cycling Sessions on Thursdays on 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st August, 12 noon – 1pm at the David Weir Leisure Centre. Suitable for children aged 7+ of all abilities accompanied by an adult. Find out more information and prices on the ecolocal website [External Link].

Everyone Active Summer Disability Activities

Summer Holidays – Monday 24th July to Friday 1 st September 2023

Westcroft Leisure Centre

Junior Adventures Group

Monday to Fridays 08:30 – 17:30. Suitable for all children. Bookable online on the junior adventure group website [External Link] or by phone on 0333 577 1533

Disability Swimming

Tuesday 12:30 – 13:30 and Wednesday 18:30 – 20:30 and Thursday 19:00-20:00

Suitable for all with learning and physical disabilities.

Bookable online through Everyone Active or by phone on 0208 669 8666 or in person at the centre reception.

David Weir Centre

Junior Adventures Group

Monday to Fridays 08:30 – 17:30. Suitable for all children. Bookable online on the junior adventure group website [External Link] or by phone on 0333 577 1533

SEN Playworld

Monday 16:30 – 17:30

Suitable for children 2 – 10 years with learning and physical disabilities.

Bookable online through Everyone Active or by phone on 0208 641 9480 or in person at the centre reception.

The Phoenix Centre


Tuesday 11:00- 12:00 and Thursday 11:00- 12:00

Suitable for adults with learning and physical disabilities.

Bookable online through Everyone Active or by phone on 0208 773 6060 or in person at the centre reception.


Saturday 12:00-13:00 and 13:00 – 14:00

Suitable for all with learning and physical disabilities.

Bookable online through Everyone Active or by phone on 0208 773 6060 or in person at the centre reception.

Play and Stay June 1st 2023

Play & Stay are delighted to be able to offer morning and afternoon sessions on Thursday 1st June.

Hopefully the weather will be good so that we can get out the sandpit and paddling pool – don’t forget a towel!

These sessions are for children with additional needs and/or disabilities who are aged 0 – 10 years and their parents/carers and siblings.

We are currently only able to have 30 parent/carers at each session so you MUST BOOK a place by emailing

  • Morning sessions: 10—12.30 pm

  • Afternoon sessions: 1.30—4pm

We welcome older SEND children and young people with their families to join our THURSDAY AFTERNOON SESSIONS! Parents & Carers are responsible for supervising their children and MUST remain with them at ALL times.

Each session costs £1.50 per child per session

Tweeddale Children Centre, Tweeddale Road, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 1SW

Children and Young People's Response to the SEND and Alternative Provision Green Paper

The SEND Review is a piece of work by the Department for Education (DfE) that looks at improving outcomes for children and young people with SEND.  Council for Disabled Children have been gathering their opinions to create a children and young people’s response to the SEND and Alternative Provision Green Paper.

Their national young SEND advisory group, FLARE, has been in consultation with the DfE for the review and as part of the Youth Voice Matters Children and Young People’s SEND Conference 2022, CDC led a workshop focused on Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) to support the development of the SEND Review in this area, providing an opportunity for children and young people to be heard by the SEND Review Team. 

Following the consultation period they have published a children and young people’s response to the SEND and Alternative Provision Green Paper. An accessible and easy-read version of the report will be coming soon.

Download the Young People's response to the SEND and Alternative Provision Green Paper on the council for disabled children's website [External Link]. 

Government seeks views to improve lives of people with Down's syndrome

Government launches call for evidence to ensure better access to health, education, social care and housing for people with Down’s syndrome.

People with Down’s syndrome, families, professionals and charities are invited to share their experiences and expertise which will be used to shape new guidance.

Find out more about the Call for Evidence on the GOV.UK website [External Link].

The British Sign Language Bill has received Royal Assent and has passed into law.

The BSL Act 2022 recognises BSL as a language of England, Wales and Scotland. Read more about the British Sign Language Bill on the GOV,UK website [External Link].

Accessible versions of the green paper (29 March 2022)

The Department for Education has published accessible versions of the green paper, including:

  • a full British Sign Language version to support those who are deaf or have a hearing impairment

  • an easy-read version to support those with learning disabilities

  • a guide to help children and young people with SEND or those in alternative provision to understand the green paper and respond to the consultation

View the Accessible versions of the green paper [External Link].

Education Secretary's open letter to children and young people on SEND reform (31 March 2022)

Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi has written to all children and young people about how he and the Government are going to change the ways that children with special educational needs and disabilities are supported. 

Read the letter from the Education Secretary [External Link]. 

Changes to the law and guidance about making your own decisions (17 March 2022)

The government is making changes to the rules about making your own decisions. They are updating the Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice and considering a new system of safeguards - the Liberty Protection Safeguards. The documents below can be viewed on the GOV.UK website.

Learn more about the consultation [External Link]. 

Find an easy-read outline about the consultation [External Link].

Vaccinations for clinically vulnerable children and young people– your questions answered (February 2022)

The Education Hub,  in partnership with the UK Health Security Agency (UKSHA), NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care, have sought to provide some reassurance and clarification, including for children who are clinically vulnerable.

Visit the Education Hub for more information about vaccinations for clinically vulnerable children [External Link].

Education Untapped Podcast – Encouraging diversity in the world of disability (February 2021)

Ashlea Stephens (Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist and Post 16 Lead for Cognus Therapies) interview Luke Fox, an autistic adult with a language disorder from Sutton. Luke was shortlisted for a Sutton Community Award in the category of Outstanding Young Person in February 2021.

Listen to the Podcast on the Cognus website [External Link].

Sutton Learning Disability Strategy

Sutton Council and the NHS South West London Clinical Commissioning Group have updated the Sutton Learning Disability Strategy. This sets out how they will work with partners to meet the needs of young people and adults with learning disabilities in Sutton, now and in the future. The draft strategy was developed following conversations with young people and adults with learning disabilities, families, carers and health care professionals. Please read the draft strategy [External Link].

Voters with learning disabilities 

Learning Disability England has published a May 2021 local elections resources hub [External Link] which provides a range of useful resources to support voters with learning disabilities to engage in this year’s local elections. It includes information about the right to vote, accessibility, events, easy read guides, videos, and a survey to gather insights into why people do not vote.

Health and disability green paper

The consultation closed on 11th October. Visit the Government website for details of the green paper [External Link].

Lockdown Lesson Winners

Over lockdown, Cognus Limited launched the ‘Lockdown Lessons’ competition for young people in Sutton. Read more about Lockdown Lesson Winners on the LBS website [External Link].

Short Breaks Holiday Offer - Summer 2022 

Children and young people eligible for short breaks provision can take up one of two core funded offers for the school holiday period, as follows

  • Option 1: A contribution equating to one session per school holiday week (for a maximum of 10 sessions per year)

  • Option 2: Up to a maximum of six hours of Personal Assistant support via direct payments. 

Specialist short breaks providers in Sutton are running a range of provision throughout the summer that may be accessed as part of a Short Breaks or Direct Payments package. These include:   

  1. Keen 2 Go are running 55 sessions over the 6 week school summer holiday period.  View Keen 2 Go's sessions [External Link].

  2. Sutton Mencap are running children’s holiday services, Monday to Friday for 5 weeks during the summer holidays. These sessions can only be accessed via a referral from the Short Breaks Panel.

  3. Springboard are running groups over the summer holidays. Details of the programme were sent out to families last month and spaces have been allocated. These sessions can only be accessed via a referral from the Short Breaks Panel.

  4. Playwise are running a number of sessions for members. Find details of Playwise session [External Link].

  5. The Children’s Trust in Tadworth is running fortnightly Camp and Club sessions and 9 extra weekday sessions throughout the school summer holidays. These sessions can only be accessed via a referral from the Short Breaks Panel.

  6. Sutton Parent and Carer Forum run Stay and Play Sessions for Children under the age of 10 with special educational needs or disabilities. These will be run on the following dates at Tweeddale Children’s Centre throughout August: 9th and 11th August, 16th and 18th August, and 23rd and 25th August.

Sutton Parent Carer Forum also hope to run Cage Cricket and football. Please check their website for updates [External Link].

For children and young people that require a higher level of short breaks with extra specialist care, the enhanced short breaks offer may include personal care support, overnight stays, and / or increased specialist short break provision during the school holidays pending the recommendations of the social worker assessment and the availability of provider services. 

Preparing for Adulthood - Parent/Carer Event (8 December 2021)

Find resources from the event on the London Borough of Sutton website, which was held, virtually, on Wednesday 8th December.

Read the slides from the presentation [External Link].

Read Questions and Answers from the event [External Link].

Download the Preparing for Adulthood Pathway guide [External Link].

Download the Preparing for Adulthood Transition tool [External Link].

Subscribe to the Ambitious for SEND newsletter [External Link].

The Big Ask (September 2021)

Over half a million young people answered the Big Ask survey. This was the largest ever survey for children in the world. Read The Big Answer PDF [External Link].