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Dentist and Opticians

Find out how to find a dentist and optician in your area and the support to help you

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How to find an NHS dentist

Everyone should be able to access good-quality NHS dental services. 

There is no need to register with a dentist in the same way as with a GP because you are not bound to a catchment area. Find a dental practice that's convenient for you and phone them to see if there are any appointments available. If you do not have a regular dental practice or are new to the area, you can search for an NHS dentist near you on the NHS England website.

Dental practices won't always have the capacity to take on new NHS patients - you may have to join a waiting list, look for a different dentist who is taking on new NHS patients, or be seen privately.

Dental emergency and out-of-hours care

If you need urgent care, contact your usual dentist as some practices offer emergency dental slots and will provide care if clinically necessary.

You can also call NHS 111, who can put you in touch with an urgent dental service.

When to go to A&E

Only visit A&E in serious circumstances, such as:

  • severe pain

  • heavy bleeding

  • injuries to the face, mouth or teeth

If you're not sure whether you should go to A&E, contact NHS 111, who will be able to advise you.

How much will I be charged?

The emergency dentist will only deal with the problem at hand and provide clinically necessary treatment to stop any pain. An urgent dental treatment will always be charged at Band 1 (£20.60) - see NHS dental charges explained [External Link].

Need help finding an NHS dentist?

If after contacting several dental practices you still can't find a dentist accepting NHS patients, you should call NHS England's Customer Contact Centre on 0300 311 2233. You can also email them by clicking on the button below.

Contact NHS England's Customer Contact Centre

Sutton Healthwatch may also be able to help!

Sutton Healthwatch is an independent organisation that works to ensure the voice of patients who use NHS services are heard by decision makers. They can also help you find local health services, including a dentist.

Visit the Sutton Healthwatch website to find out more

NHS eye care services: visiting an optician

When you visit an optician for an eye test, you'll be examined by an ophthalmic practitioner or optometrist who is trained to recognise abnormalities and conditions such as cataracts or glaucoma. Ophthalmic practitioners will prescribe and fit glasses and contact lenses, and, if necessary, they will refer you to a GP or a hospital eye clinic for further investigations. Sometimes you'll be referred to a specialist optometrist for a referral refinement.

How often should I have an eye test?

The NHS recommends that you should get your eyes tested every two years (more often if advised by your ophthalmic practitioner or optometrist).

An NHS sight (eye) test is free of charge if you are in one of the eligible groups and your sight test is considered clinically necessary. If the ophthalmic practitioner can't see a clinical need then you'll have to pay for the test privately.

What happens after the eye test?

Following an eye test your ophthalmic practitioner is legally required to provide you with your optical prescription or a statement setting out that you have been referred for further tests.

An NHS optical voucher will also be issued immediately if you can prove you are entitled to one. There are currently 10 voucher values. The values are dependent on the strength of your prescription. The stronger your prescription, the higher the value your voucher will be.

You should never feel obliged to purchase glasses or redeem an optical voucher from the premises where you had your eye test. Shop around for the best value and only purchase glasses or contact lenses when you are happy with the product and cost.