The 15th Wallington Scout Group provides fun and adventure for young people with additional needs.
- SEND Local Offer
At Challengers, we break down the barriers to play and make it possible for every disabled child or young people to play and have fun, without limits. We support children and young people aged 2 – 18 at our range of services, located across the South East of England.
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Challengers Play schemes - places where disabled and non-disabled children aged 4 to 12 can come together to play, have fun and make new friends in a safe space.
Our Play schemes run at weekends during term-time, and weekdays during half-terms, Easter, and the Summer Holidays. We currently run Playschemes in:
Basingstoke (8-12 years only)
Challengers Youth schemes - places where disabled young people aged 13 to 18 can come to have fun, spend time with their friends, and take part in exciting trips and activities.
Our Youth schemes run at weekends and weekday evenings during term-time, and during the week in the school holidays.
We currently run Youth schemes in:
Bespoke support - Our 555 Service offers urgent support to families of disabled young people aged 8 – 19 who are currently out of education.
This may be due to awaiting a suitable school placement, because the young person has been excluded, or because their current school place cannot provide the appropriate support.
We offer a fun, safe space at Challengers during the day where our highly trained staff help young people to learn valuable life and social skills, build their confidence, and prepare them for a successful return to school.
The 15th Wallington Scout Group provides fun and adventure for young people with additional needs.
All Aboard Club runs inclusive train-play sessions for autistic, ADHD and SEND children, where they can build their confidence, develop their social skills and just be themselves.
Club Soda is a community of creatives, gig-goers, and campaigners with learning disabilities and autism. We produce exciting social and creative opportunities in Croydon and beyond, breaking new ground in music and media.