Information and advice for children and young people on a wide range of themes and topics.
- Early Help
The Children's First Contact Service provides a single way to raise safeguarding concerns about a child or young person in Sutton.
Page last updated
As a local authority, the London Borough of Sutton are committed to protecting and safeguarding children and young people in the Borough. In order to do this effectively, the Children’s First Contact Service (CFCS) has been designed and implemented by the Sutton Local Safeguarding Children Partnership to replace the existing multiple entry points with a single quick and easy referral and assessment pathway to access Children’s Social Care in Sutton. This reduces any potential confusion, duplication or delay. If you want more information, please download our bitesize briefing [External Link].
As part of this service, the CFCS referral form is now the quickest and easiest way to access support from Children’s Services. This single referral form will be the new format for the following:
Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) - Referral Form
Early Help Request
Parenting Plus Referral
Children with Disabilities - Access point referral
If you are concerned about the safety of a child or young person in Sutton, you can complete this form to make a referral to the Children's First Contact Service [External Link].
Information and advice for children and young people on a wide range of themes and topics.
Here4YOUth Sutton is a young person's alcohol and drug service for anyone up to the age of 18 living in Sutton.
Children's Centres provide a range of services in your local community that include activities, services, and information and advice for local families.