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Look UK

To help blind and visually impaired children and young people to thrive.

  • SEND Local Offer
  • Early Help
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What is this service?

Mentoring Projects - We’re lucky enough to have a brilliant team of expert mentors, ready to support visually impaired students through school, higher education and into their career.

Events - We’re a sociable bunch, and we organise events throughout the year where VI young people, parents and families can meet up and make new friends.

The Look Helpline - Our helpline provides advice, emotional support and information for young people with visual impairments, their families, parents and carers. Call us on 07464 351958

Information - We aim to provide detailed information and expert guidance for growing up with a visual impairment. From tools and software to forms and finances.

Education Support - We offer specialist, practical help and advice for schools, colleges and universities aiming to provide better support for their visually impaired students.

Accessible Holidays - Look has a specially-adapted holiday flat in Scarborough for the use of visually impaired young people and their families.

Good to know

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