We are the UK’s eating disorder charity.
- SEND Local Offer
- Early Help
To help blind and visually impaired children and young people to thrive.
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Mentoring Projects - We’re lucky enough to have a brilliant team of expert mentors, ready to support visually impaired students through school, higher education and into their career.
Events - We’re a sociable bunch, and we organise events throughout the year where VI young people, parents and families can meet up and make new friends.
The Look Helpline - Our helpline provides advice, emotional support and information for young people with visual impairments, their families, parents and carers. Call us on 07464 351958
Information - We aim to provide detailed information and expert guidance for growing up with a visual impairment. From tools and software to forms and finances.
Education Support - We offer specialist, practical help and advice for schools, colleges and universities aiming to provide better support for their visually impaired students.
Accessible Holidays - Look has a specially-adapted holiday flat in Scarborough for the use of visually impaired young people and their families.
We are the UK’s eating disorder charity.
The hub for those working with bereaved children, young people and their families across the UK.
We are Contact, the charity for families with disabled children We support families, bring families together and help families take action for others.