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Online Relationship Support for Parents

Parents in Sutton can now access THREE ONLINE COURSES from the relationship experts at OnePlusOne. Learn to cope with stress and communicate better, wherever you are in your parenting journey.

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  • Early Help
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What is this service?

Online Relationship Support for Parents

Most relationships have their ups and downs, and disagreements and arguments are normal. But arguments between parents that are intense, hostile, and poorly resolved can be harmful to their children and put their mental health and long term life outcomes at risk. Learning to argue in ways that are helpful rather than harmful is vital for maintaining healthy relationships, whether parents are together or not.

The digital resources provided by OnePlusOne are designed to help parents reflect on conflict in their relationship with current or ex-partners, as well as the impact on their children. The resources use videos and animations that incorporate evidence-based techniques to promote behaviour change and help parents to argue in ways that are helpful rather than harmful.

For all parents - Arguing better

Disagreements are a normal part of life. How you approach them can make all the difference to you, your partner, and your children.

You will learn:

  • How to recognise stress and how it can affect you.

  • How to support each other through difficult times.

  • What causes arguments and how to stop them.

For new parents - Me, You and Baby Too

Learn how to navigate the changes that happen in a relationship when a baby arrives, including:

  • How you and your partner can support each other.

  • How to talk to bring up difficult topics.

  • How arguments start, and how to stop them.

For separating parents - Getting it right for children

When parents are separating or separated, children can often get caught in the middle. Learn how to manage conflict to minimise the impact it has on your children, as well as:

  • How to stop a discussion from turning into an argument.

  • How to stay calm and listen as well as talk.

  • Skills for finding solutions and making compromises

To access the courses, you will need a smartphone, tablet, or computer, and a good internet connection. They are all FREE to use, so you’ll just need to select your local authority area and create an account with a username and password.

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