Supporting and preparing autistic people for employment
- SEND Local Offer
We have partnered with Sutton Council, Sutton Health and Care and DFN Project Search to host a Transition to Work programme.
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During this one year programme, you’ll be based at Sutton Health and Care gaining a range of transferable and marketable job skills such as team-working and problem-solving. With 800 hours of structured support from staff, mentors, instructors and coaches, you’ll become more confident when applying for a job. The DFN Project SEARCH programme has seen 80% of graduates securing a paid job (16 hours or more per week). The programme is in partnership with Hillingdon Autistic Care and Support (HACS), experts in supporting people with learning disabilities and autism.
Who is the programme for?
If you are between 17 and 24 years, have special educational needs or a barrier to learning and require extra support and would like to access further training and employment, then this is a great programme for you.
You will be in a work placement up to five days per week.
What are the entry requirements?
Applicants must have an active EHCP and need to be working at Entry Level 3 (or above, up to Level 2). We would like to meet you for an assessment before you join us on the DFN Project Search course.
We want to make sure this is the right programme for you. To apply ask your Local Authority to consult with Orchard Hill College.
About the programme
Orchard Hill College have partnered with London Borough of Sutton to deliver this programme. This Practical programme has been designed to prepare you for the next exciting steps in your life. You will learn skills to start you on your pathway to work. You will be supported to work within different areas of the Council and Sutton Health and Care including;
Catering and Hospitality
Customer services
We will also prepare you for work, supporting you with:
CV writing
Applying for a job
Interview skills
Building confidence and self esteem
How to communicate in a work situation
Working as a group
You will work towards achieving an award in:
Skills for Employment Entry 3 – Level 1
Skills for Employment Entry Level 3/ Level 1
Work preparation Level 2 accreditation
Functional skills English and maths Entry Level 3 – Level 2 can also be achieved
Here’s how we will achieve it together
You will have a tutor delivering the programme along with a Job Coach to support you with work preparation and employability skills.
On completion of the programme, you may have opportunities for paid employment and an accreditation in
Skills for Employment Entry 3 – Level 1
Using Employability Skills Entry 3 – Level 1
Work Preparation Level 2 accreditation
Level 1 or 2 Employability Skills
NCFE Level 1 or 2 Award in Employment
Possibly Functional Skills
Paid Employment
An Apprenticeship for further study
Supporting and preparing autistic people for employment
We Deliver free training to small groups such as: Brownies, Guides, Scouts, Beavers etc.
Funded by the GLA through UK Shared Prosperity Funding, LLC have created a unique Careers & Training development programme that’s designed to help young people who are interested in exploring educational opportunities, training programs, & finding work that aligns with their interests