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Short Breaks

Short breaks provide opportunities for children and young people with disabilities, who are assessed to be eligible for our service, to take part in positive activities, working towards agreed outcomes whilst also providing respite for their families/carers from their daily caring role.

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What is this service?

Short breaks can take place in the home or in the community and are personal to the child and young person's individual needs. They can include day, evening, overnight, weekend or holiday activities.

How do I access a short break?

To request access to a short breaks service, you will need to refer via the Children’s First Contact Service (CFCS). Parents/carers and professionals will be required to complete the CFCS referral form. This will then be passed to our Children and Young People’s Disability Service for action. 

My assessment has been completed, what happens now?

Following your completed assessment, your case will be presented at the Resource Panel and, once approved you will receive a letter confirming the agreed package and detailing any next steps. Your next steps will be dependent on the package of support that has been approved. For example whether it is in the form of a Direct Payment or a Personal Budget. Your Specialist Support Worker will explain the different options to you during the Early Help Assessment or Short Breaks Review.

How long do I get a Short break for?

A package of support is usually approved for a 12 month period, but this is dependent on individual needs and sometimes we may need to review the support in place earlier. This could be at 3 or 6 months, or, if your child or young person’s needs have changed during this time. A Specialist Support Worker will contact you to carry out a Short Breaks Review. This is a shorter assessment than the previous Early Help Assessment and focuses on your child’s and family current need, how the Short break package is working and revisiting the agreed outcomes planned for. Once reviewed it could be that the Short break package is slightly changed or continues as it has been previously. Your case will be again presented at the Resource Panel for the new package to be approved. Some children respond really well to the packages of support we put in place and meet their outcomes and they may be ready to access universal activities.

Good to know

What people say

Short breaks has made a HUGE impact. My daughter is more confident, feels more included and socialises with other children with similar needs