The 15th Wallington Scout Group provides fun and adventure for young people with additional needs.
- SEND Local Offer
A football club for young people with special needs and disabilities.
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Sutton Eagles F.C. was initially set up in early 2004 as a pilot scheme by the London Borough of Sutton's Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership. It proved to be a great success, and is now run by the parents, with qualified coaches.
The scheme set out to provide children with special needs in the area with an opportunity to further improve their social and physical skills, and in doing so improve their confidence and self-esteem. The various SN's covered by the club include Autistic Spectrum Disorder (including Asperger's Syndrome), learning, physical and sensory impairments (including language and hearing impairments and cerebral palsy), ADHD and various medical conditions.
The training sessions are organised by our coaches, with structures designed to increase physical performance and confidence in the players. The coaches are also given confidential 'Player Profiles' for all children taking part, so that they are aware of each child's individual needs.
The 2-hour sessions are split into two groups. The first hour is for those aged 11 - 16, and the second for children aged 5 - 11 years. We ask the parents to stay at the sessions, and they are able to watch from the sideline. Occasionally we have outdoor sessions during school holidays.
We regularly take part in special needs football tournaments such as the Walton on Thames monthly tournament organised by the Surrey FA.
There is no need to book sessions, and you can come to as many or as few as you wish. The sessions cost £4.00 per hour.
The 15th Wallington Scout Group provides fun and adventure for young people with additional needs.
Brownies welcomes all girls from 7 to 10 years old for nonstop fun, learning and adventure.
Rangers is your space – where you get together with other girls from 14 to 18 to have fun, learn more, give back, hang out, and just be you.