The St Helier One Stop Shop will operate as a face-to-face, drop-in service where residents of the London Borough of Sutton can get free information, support and advice on a wide range of areas.
- SEND Local Offer
- Early Help
Sutton Healthy Homes is funded by Sutton Council and delivered by local not-for-profit partners Thinking Works. The service helps vulnerable Sutton residents at risk of fuel poverty to save energy and money.
Page last updated
Sutton Healthy Homes is funded by Sutton Council and delivered by local not-for-profit partners Thinking Works.
The service is open to anyone who is over 65, or has a long term condition or disability, or who has a low income
Support is delivered by email, telephone, and home visits for Sutton residents as well as residents of Kingston, Richmond, Wandsworth and Merton. The service supports over 2000 households a year.
During 2023-2024, Thinking Works helped service users save an average of £435 per property with 98% of clients that gave feedback stating they would recommend the service.
What is the service?
Our Healthy Homes service is funded by the Local Authority and is there to help vulnerable residents save energy and be warm and well.
What does the service provide?
Due to extraordinarily high demand, we are splitting support into 2 stages: 1 = crisis support by phone, and 2 = home visit with our usual offering.
STAGE 1: Crisis Support – by phone
Fuel vouchers – for those with a prepay meter
Emergency heating repairs (homeowners only)
Referrals for insulation and heating grants (via Sustainable Warmth and Warmer Homes 3, and subject to available funding)
Support applying to the Household Support Fund (where available, till the 1/9/22)
STEGE 2: Standard Support – by home visit (Covid restrictions permitting)
FREE carbon monoxide detector (CO alarm)*
FREE LED bulb x4
FREE radiator reflector panels for 3 radiators on external walls*
Specialist advice on lowering your heating bills whilst keeping warm
Advice on energy and water bill tariff discounts including the 50% Water Help discount and the Warm Home Discount (where available)
Assessments for grants for insulation and heating works**
Referrals for benefit checks
Advice on health and wellbeing services in the borough
Referrals for FREE smoke alarms
Who’s eligible? Anyone in the boroughs of Kingston, Merton, Sutton, Richmond, and Wandsworth who:
Is 65 years old or over OR
Has a long-term condition or disability OR
Has a low income (this varies depending on occupancy but use £15,000 per occupant as a rule of thumb)
Is getting support from a frontline council or third-party service such as Occupational Therapy, Social Services, Age UK, and CAB
How do I access the service? To make a booking or referral, please call, text, or email details using the contacts below. Email is preferable. Please include:
Full name
Address and postcode
Contact telephone number
Brief outline of the reason for the booking or referral (e.g. “high gas bill” or “home very cold” etc.)
Freephone: 0800 118 23 27
Text: 07928 394 482 Email:
Thank you so much for ensuring that I had a new boiler installed this winter after two and a half years without any central heating
The St Helier One Stop Shop will operate as a face-to-face, drop-in service where residents of the London Borough of Sutton can get free information, support and advice on a wide range of areas.
If you are a Sutton resident or professional and you are not sure where to get help and support from, please contact our TfS team to speak to someone who can help you there and then, or point you in the right direction. Our service is free, impartial, informative and confidential.
Our Community Support team support people 50+ with regulated Information and Advice, action plans, support and getting access to appropriate national and local services. We can help you think about "What matters to me?" and work with you to manage and overcome challenges in your circumstances.