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Sutton Young Carers

Sutton Young Carers service provides a range of specialist and targeted support to children and young people aged 8-25 years of age who have caring responsibilities for a family member who may have a long-term physical or mental illness or disability, misuse substance or have an additional need.

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Image for Sutton Young Carers

What is this service?

Full details of Sutton Carers Centre, our contact details and the Young Carers Service are available on our website.

Young Carers often provide a range of caring tasks including but not limited to:

·         Practical tasks

·         Personal care

·         Emotional support

·         Sibling care

 Our Aim is to reduce the impact of caring through:

·         Building capacity and resilience

·         Improving well being

·         improving educational outcomes

·         Reducing inappropriate caring

We achieve this through the provision of services such as:

Peer Support Sessions

Young Carers can access support around their caring role.  Sessions delivered at SCC and at local schools encouraging positive resolutions, promotes healthy living and improve the overall wellbeing of Young Carers.

One to One Support sessions

One to one sessions are offered to young people who may benefit from accessing a private forum to speak about issues or feelings about their caring role.

Young Carers Chill & Learn Space

Weekly Chill and Learn space provides access to IT and support with school work in a relaxed environment with other Young Carers.

Regular Events

Young Carer activities include theatre and cinema trips, movie and dessert nights, and creative holiday workshops to give young Carers a break from their caring role.

Good to know

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