Cerebra is the national charity helping children with brain conditions and their families discover a better life together.
- SEND Local Offer
We exist to create a society where children and young people with epilepsy are enabled to thrive and fulfil their potential. A society in which their voices are respected and their ambitions realised.
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Magazines - if you're interested in learning more about epilepsy, whether you have the condition or not, our 'All about epilepsy' magazines provide facts and stats about epilepsy, information on types of seizures and what precautions you can take to stay safe.
Pupil e-learning - Suitable for a variety of Key Stages, we have developed a variety of fun and interactive e-learning activities about epilepsy. The activities can be used for either whole class teaching, individual learning or interactive whiteboard use.
Adult health services: transition guide: Changing from a children’s doctor to an adult doctor is known as transition. Depending on how things work in the area where you live, you’ll move to an adult clinic sometime between the ages of 16 - 18.
Cerebra is the national charity helping children with brain conditions and their families discover a better life together.
The National Organisation for FASD is dedicated to supporting people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), their families and communities. It promotes education for professionals and public awareness about the risks of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
Advocacy for All is a locally-rooted advocacy organisation with a strong history, that exists to give people a voice through one to one advocacy and self-advocacy groups. We believe that Bigger Voices = Better Lives.