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Advocacy for All

Advocacy for All is a locally-rooted advocacy organisation with a strong history, that exists to give people a voice through one to one advocacy and self-advocacy groups. We believe that Bigger Voices = Better Lives.

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What is this service?

Care Act Advocacy is a service that helps makes sure the interests of the person being supported are placed at the center of decision making

If relatives, friends or other appropriate people aren't available, we provide Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCA) services

If relatives, friends or other appropriate people aren't available, we provide Relevant Person's Representative (RPR) services

Health Complaints Advocacy - A free, independent, confidential service that can help if you want to complain about any aspect of NHS care

Children's Advocacy - An independent service which helps a child or a young person have their opinions and views heard by adults that make decisions about them

General Advocacy - We provide a number of non-statutory general advocacy services in different areas. Each service is bespoke to the area in which we deliver it

Mental Health Advocacy - We partner with two organisations to provide mental health advocacy services - SeAP and Mind

Spot Purchase Options - As capacity allows, we accept referrals on a spot purchase basis even if not already contracted by the authority

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