EHC Plan Annual Review
On this page find out what should go into an EHC plan annual review.
Page last updated
Guidance for the Review of Education, Health and Social Care plans
You will be invited to discuss your young person's progress as part of an EHC Plan review process (annual review). This is normally organised by the education setting and will take place there. The other professionals that work with your young person will participate, usually attending the review meeting or by contributing a report. It is a chance for everyone to share and contribute their views. If you are a young person (over the age of 16) you will be invited to the review process and you may bring your parents or other advocates to support you.
If the EHC Plan needs any changes made to it, these are discussed during the review process and meeting. Targets towards the outcomes in the EHC Plan are also reviewed at the meeting. This means that new targets can be recommended if required. All information from the review is then shared with the Local Authority (Cognus SEND team). They will decide if changes to the EHC Plan are necessary.
It may be decided that the EHC Plan can be ceased. This means that it is not required anymore. There are many reasons for this including:
Sufficient progress made.
The young person's needs can be met from the resources the setting already has available.
The young person has met their outcomes.
The young person is no longer in education or training.
The young person is moving to higher education.
The Local Authority will look at all evidence and decide if the plan should come to an end. If they decide that it should, they will let you and the education setting know.
To find out more about the Annual Review process, Visit SIASS to learn more about the Annual Review [External Link].
The Council for Disabled Children have further information about the Annual Review process. To learn more, Visit the Council for Disabled Children's website [External Link].