Single Route of Redress - SEND Tribunal Extended Powers
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Learn moreIn this section you will find useful information on (EHC) Plans and related information including how to request an EHCP and how to appeal a decision.
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An Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan is a legal document. It sets out a young person's special educational needs, the support they need, and what they'd like to achieve. It covers birth to 25 years (if a young person stays in education).
EHC Plans are issued by Local Authorities. They will do this if the needs of a child or young person cannot be met reasonably by the resources available in an education setting. A young person can have an EHC Plan until the age of 25 as long as they are still in education. These education settings include early years providers, schools and post-16 institutions.
The Local Authority will secure an EHC needs assessment (EHCNA) for a child or young person if requested and they think:
The young person has or may have SEND, and
That special educational provision may need to be put in place in line with an EHC Plan.
Most children with SEND do not need an ECH plan. Their needs will be supported within a mainstream school. This can be done using the graduated approach, quality first teaching and targeted and personalised support.
If you think your child or young person has SEND, the SEND Team recommends you:
Talk to the class teacher or tutor.
Arrange a meeting with the setting's SENCO to discuss any concerns and support in place.
If the education setting thinks that the child or young person has SEND, they should:
Talk to parents or carers or young person about their concerns.
Start to gather evidence such as reviews of outcomes and reports about the child or young person's progress.
The setting should give the child or young person the support they need. This could include getting advice and support from specialists outside the school. These may be the SENCo clusters, Educational Psychologist, Occupational therapist and Speech and Language Therapist.
The setting should fill out the EHCNA request before an assessment takes place. They should also attend the SEND Clusters. There must be evidence of targeted interventions in line with the graduated response and EHC guidelines.
Parents, carers or young people (over 16) can ask the SEND team for an EHCNA. Teachers can also request this. A joint request will be preferable (not necessary) as it will normally contain all the evidence required.
To request an assessment please fill out the ECHNA forms. To view these forms, visit the Cognus EHC Needs Assessment Process page [External Link].
If you or your young person needs help completing the All About Me part, you can also find guidance on the page above. This includes guidance for those in year 8 and above.
For more information you can contact the Cognus SEND team by calling 020 8323 0453 / 020 8323 0454 or email Cognus's SEND Team. For free Information, Advice and Support, please contact SIASS.
An EHCNA may show that the setting can meet the needs of the child or young person without an EHC Plan. When this happens, the Local Authority will issue an EHCNA report. In Sutton, you will have been offered to co-produce the EHCNA report which is referred to as a Working Document. This outlines the key information from the assessment and how the young person’s needs can be met in their mainstream setting. It also outlines support within the Local Offer.
EHC Needs Process:
Weeks 1 to 6. Local Authority (Cognus) receives request for EHCNA. The Parents/Carers or Young Person will be invited to complete the form (in most cases this form is completed with the request for EHCNA). The request for EHCNA will be referred to the Multi-Agency SEND panel. The LA with the support from the Multi-Agency SEND panel decide if an EHCNA is required.
If EHCNA is not required, a Next Steps Meeting might be offered to discuss educational provision at SEND Support Level. The right to request mediation and to appeal the decision will be granted.
If EHCNA is required, SEND Service requests advice from the professionals identified by the Multi-Agency SEND Panel. In Weeks 7 to 12 the SEND Service receives advice.
Weeks 13 to 16. SEND Service prepares the Working Document (WD). The WD is sent to the parents/carers or young person and professionals. A planning meeting will be offered to co-produce the WD, based on the evidence collated through the EHCNA.. LA and Multi-Agency Panel decides if an EHC Plan is required.
If a Plan is not required, Next Steps Meeting offered.
If a Plan is required, Draft Plan issued for consultation with parents and/or Young Person.
Weeks 16 to 20. Consultations with education setting for placement. Confirm education placement and issue final EHC Plan. The right to request mediation and to appeal the contents of the EHCP will be granted.
Find information on the Single Route of Redress - SEND Tribunal Extended Powers
Learn moreFind out more information on how to appeal the Local Authority's decision and how to access mediation.
Learn moreOn this page find out what should go into an EHC plan annual review.
Learn moreFind out more about the EHCP Coordinators, which school's and colleges they are linked to and your EHC Coordinator contact details.
Learn moreIn this section find out what should go into an EHC plan.
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