Key Contacts in the Local Area across Education, Health and Social Care
Find out more about key contacts in Cognus and the London Borough of Sutton.
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In November 2016, the local authority 'spun out' its education support services to create a company known as Cognus which is wholly owned by the Local Authority.
Its core purpose is to deliver effective education services: this is further enabled by the Company's remit and scope to open up new funding streams and trading opportunities to reinvest back into local services. Visit the Cognus website [External Link].
The vast majority of education support services (admissions, SEND, SEND transport, school improvement / Early years, attendance, inclusion services etc.) are delivered by Cognus. The structure of the company, governance arrangements and senior leadership can be found on the company's website here [External Link].
A small education team remains in the local authority led by the Strategic Lead for Education covering functions such as education policy, strategy, commissioning, place planning, Schools’ Funding / Schools Forum, communications and engagement. Whilst there are separate governance arrangements for the Local Authority and Cognus, the Strategic Lead for Education sets the strategic direction for Cognus through our commissioning relationship, whereas the Managing Director of Cognus oversees the day to day running of the company in order to deliver that strategic intent.
Key Contacts: Cognus - Education Services
Joanna Cassey - Managing Director
Laura Compton - Services Director
Amalia Banon - Head of SEND
Jane Morgan - Head of SEND Support and School Improvement Adviser and Early Years SEND team (Cognus)
Helen Gasparelli - Head of Inclusion
Nicholas English - Principal Educational Psychologist
Kate Leyshon - Headteacher of Sutton Virtual School
Cognus SEND Team - Cognus
Key Contacts: LBS - Education Team
Kieran Holliday - Acting Strategic Lead for Education
Jack Cutler - Acting Head of Pupil Based Commissioning
Kelly Evans - Childcare and Sufficiency Lead
Oonagh Bensberg - Commissioning and Programme Manager - Education
Heather Morley - SEND Commissioning Lead
Carolyn Scott - SEND Commissioning Lead (SEND)
Other Key Contacts for SENCOs in the Local Area
Claire Jackson - Designated Social Care Officer
Sandra Anto-Awuakye – Designated Clinical Officer
School Nursing Service - Visit the Sutton health and Care NHS Website [External Link].
Sutton CAMHS single point of access is available Monday - Friday 9am-5pm (Tel: 0203 513 3800). Referrals can be made by GPs, other healthcare professionals, schools, and others.
Children First Contact Service - If you are concerned about a child, young person or parent or carer that needs support in some way, you can make a report online.
Key Contacts: Health Services
School Nursing Team - weekly drop in clinics in secondary school for children and young people to access. Parents can contact the school nursing team with or without school involvement. Visit the Sutton health and Care NHS Website [External Link].
Sutton CAMHS single point of access is available Monday - Friday 9am-5pm (Tel: 0203 513 3800). Referrals can be made by GPs, other healthcare professionals, schools, and others.