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SEND Code of Practice

Read an online summary of the SEND Code of Practice.

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If your child has an identified SEND, the school must put appropriate support in place. This means they should do everything they can to meet that young person's needs. They must do this to the best of their ability. This is SEND Support and has replaced School Action and School Action Plus.

The purpose of this is to help young people to achieve their outcomes. These are goals that are set by their education setting. It is vital that young people have the opportunity to engage in activities alongside their peers who do not have SEND.

There is a clear cycle that is followed within SEND support. This includes assessment, planning, support and reviewing progress which is known as 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review'. Parents should always be involved in any discussions and support that is put in place.

The SEND Code of Practice 2015 sets out four main areas of SEND.

Communication and Interaction

This could mean a young person had speech, language and communication difficulties. These may make it difficult for them to understand language and how to communicate well with others.

Cognition and Learning

This could mean a young person learns at a slower pace than others their age. This could include struggling to understand parts of the curriculum, or one area in particular like maths or English. It can also affect organisation and memory skills.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties

This may mean that a young person has difficulty managing relationships with others. This may cause them to be withdrawn or present more challenging behaviours. This often has an impact on their health and wellbeing.

Sensory and/or Physical Needs

This includes young people with visual and heating impairments as well as those who have other physical needs. These needs may mean they must have ongoing support and additional equipment.

To find out more, Read SEND support: easy-read guide for parents on the GOV.UK website [External Link].