SEND and Alternative Provision Local Area Governance
Find out more about those who work on SEND in Sutton.
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SEND and AP Local Area Governance
This page provides an overview of the key governance mechanisms in the local area for supporting children and young people with SEND and additional needs. A short description of each is set out below with links to further information where available:
Strategic Governance in Sutton
The Sutton Education Partnership is formed of many groups within the Local Authority.
People Committee
This is the London Borough of Sutton’s statutory education and social services committee. These elected members make decisions for the London Borough of Sutton on education and social care services. For more information, visit the Sutton People Committee page [External Link].
Sutton Place Partnership Board
Sutton is one of 6 ‘places’ that form the South West London Integrated Care Board (SWLICB [External Link]). The Place Based Board is made up of senior leaders and oversees health services, including those for SEND, in Sutton. To find out more, visit the Sutton Website [External Link].
Sutton SEND and AP Partnership
This board handles overseeing the work that goes on in the local area. This is to improve the experiences of young people with SEND and additional needs in the borough. To find out more, read the SEND / AP Partnership Terms of Reference [External Link].
Education Leadership Group
This group was established in 2019 to help the Local Authority and education providers work together on key education priorities in Sutton. The Education Leadership Group has been a critical partner in taking forward the SEND strategy in the local area. For information, read their framework [External Link].
Primary, Secondary, Special Heads, Governor Boards
These are meetings organised by schools and the Local Authority to discuss joint issues. This includes SEND matters.
Schools Forum
These consist of representatives from schools, academies, nurseries, and 16-19 providers. . They take decisions in relation to education funding decisions in the Local Area. To learn more, visit the Sutton Schools Forum page [External Link].
EY Operational Group / SENCO clusters / Multi Agency SEND Panel / PfA Delivery Group / Vulnerable Pupils Panel (VPP)
These are panel meetings of multiagency professionals who coordinate support for children and young people with SEND and additional needs in the Borough.