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SEND provision capital funding for pupils with EHC plans

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As part of their responsibilities, Local Authorities must ensure there are sufficient school places for all pupils, including those with SEN and disabilities (SEND).

View information about SEN Capital Fund / Capital spend to date on the GOV.UK website [External Link].

As part of their responsibilities, Local Authorities must ensure there are sufficient school places for all pupils, including those with SEN and disabilities (SEND). Since March 2017, the Government committed £365million of capital funding from 2018 to 2021 to help Local Authorities create new school places and improve existing facilities for children and young people with SEND in consultation with parents/carers and providers. Read about Individual allocations by Local Authority [External Link] ex  In addition to the 2018/19 to 20/2021 Special Provision Capital Fund allocations, the Government has committed a further £280million of capital funding for 2021/22 to help Local Authorities create new school places and improve existing facilities for children and young people with SEND and for those within Alternative Provision

The Local Area considered how best to use this funding as part of the High Needs Block review which was consulted upon throughout April-September 2019, and resulted in the 'Ambitious for Sutton' programme. Project proposals were invited from eligible providers in Autumn 2021.  

Sutton Council is always very keen to hear from parents/carers, young people, or professionals as to how this funding could be further used to support young people with additional needs in the Borough. For example, it could be used to provide an additional space, such as a sensory room, within a school or provision that would directly benefit learning and engagement outcomes for children and young people with SEND. If you have any comments, please contact