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Post-16 Travel Assistance Policy 

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Post-16 Travel Assistance Policy 

1. Introduction

  1. While there is no legal requirement for the Local Authority to provide free or subsidised travel assistance to young people of sixth form age, it does have a duty to review, prepare and publish an annual transport policy by the 31 May each year, which explains what transport and travel arrangements there are locally for young people of sixth form age to get to further education.

  2. This policy statement gives information about the support available in Sutton for the provision of college travel assistance for young people aged 16 to 19 and young adults aged 19 to 25. It outlines the assistance available for post-16 learners who live in Sutton, whether the nearest course/setting that they are attending is inside or outside of the Borough.

  3. The Council’s vision:

“We are collectively ambitious for our children and young people. Together we want to provide them with the best chances to achieve their best outcomes in life, whatever their starting point, and to prepare them effectively for adulthood”.

  1. To deliver this vision we want to provide services that support children and young people to prepare for adulthood, including access to education, employment opportunities, essential services and activities in the community. The ability to travel independently is an important skill which enables access to these services and one that is critical to their future.

  2. This policy explains how we decide when to provide travel assistance, where we gather information from, and the timescales that we work to. It explains the sort of travel assistance we may provide, including Independent Travel Training, Personal Travel Budgets as well as support for young people with complex needs.  It also explains the review process if we decide you are not eligible for help with travel assistance, and your rights to appeal.

  3. This policy is based on the national Home to School Transport guidance: Post-16 transport and travel support to education and training

  4. The law in England states that young people aged 16-18 must do one of the following:

- stay in full-time education, for example at a college

- start an apprenticeship or traineeship

- spend 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering, while in part-time education or training 

  1. This policy statement supersedes all previous travel assistance arrangements and entitlements. Funding for travel assistance is subject to annual budgets and financial affordability. The Travel Assistance Policy Statement will be reviewed annually.

  2. Cognus is a non-profit making Local Authority Company wholly owned by the London Borough of Sutton - ‘the Council’. Cognus provides education support services in the Borough - including Assisted Travel services. The Home to School Travel Assistance Policy and budget is set by the Council and administered by Cognus on the Council’s behalf. The Council and Cognus should be considered as synonymous for the purposes of this policy.

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