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Glenthorne High School Statement of Provision

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Glenthorne High School Statement of Provision

Date: September 2022

A. School/base Expertise and Capacity

Student numbers

Funded for 24 places. ASD Base pupils access mainstream classes, not specialist classes. 

Aims and Outcomes

All pupils in the ASD Base are expected to:

  • access GCSE courses and to achieve GCSE outcomes in line with or exceeding the progress they would be expected to make

  • be academically and emotionally ready to access the post-16 courses of their choice

  • make progress in their personal development in terms of their independence, social skills and confidence/self-esteem, as measured by progress towards their EHCP outcomes

Curriculum adaptations

All ASD Base pupils have access to the mainstream curriculum.  They are supported to attend and access all activities and opportunities in KS3 and KS4, and they are allowed to choose from the same range of KS4 options as mainstream pupils.  

Some ASD Base pupils may be offered the additional option of ‘Study Skills’ at KS4.   This has a PfA focus – looking at learning and study skills, college/sixth form courses, careers options, application forms and functional skills.

B. Provision

We provide:

  • a team of TAs who have been trained in working with pupils with ASD and their families

  • regular access to speech and language therapy and occupational therapy, although neither of these therapies are ‘in-house’

  • social communication skills groups delivered by trained TAs and HLTAs

  • separate break-time and lunch-time venues for ASD pupils

  • separate homework support for ASD pupils

  • annual ASD training for teachers focusing on both the broad spectrum of ASD needs but also on the specific needs of the pupils within our school

Therapies Provision

SALT and OT therapy input is individually allocated.  We utilise opportunities for therapists to train TAs as a group or for group intervention sessions.

Preparation for Adult Life

We provide outstanding teaching of a broad and balanced curriculum to enable our pupils to achieve the best possible academic outcomes across a range of subjects.  This enables them to make progress along their career pathway.  We prioritise our ASD Base pupils for careers interviews and advice.

We focus on social interaction and social skills throughout their time at Glenthorne in order to help them form positive, healthy relationships.  

We enable independence by ensuring that all pupils are supported by a range of staff, not just one individual keyworker.  

Enrichment / social activities

Some ASD Base pupils require us to make separate arrangements or provide support for them to be able to access:

  • assemblies

  • break/lunch times

  • canteen

  • performance elements of lessons and clubs

  • transport/travel

  • trips

  • extra-curricular clubs

  • homework

Support staffing (per week per class, on average)

In general, each ASD Base pupil receives:

  • an attached TA to speak with before school and who forms the main point of liaison with the family

  • approximately 15 hours per week in class support from a TA

  • social times in the Base, supervised by TAs (20 TA hours per week in addition to above)

  • Base Homework Club, supervised and supported by TAs (12 TA hours per week in addition to above)

  • additional TA support for S&L or OT (TA attends sessions and then helps to deliver support/prompts throughout the week)

C. Admission Process

Criteria for Admission

The ASD Base is for pupils who have a diagnosis of ASD as their prime need who:

  • are able to access a mainstream curriculum and spend the majority of their time (at least 95%) being taught in the mainstream classroom 

  • require support at social and less structured times of the day

  • require organisational support 

  • require emotional support at key points of the day

The pupils in the ASD Base are able to communicate using verbal and written language.  They display characteristic difficulties with anxiety, social communication and interaction, but they do not display aggressive or challenging behaviour.  Cognitively, the pupils in the ASD Base are working at age appropriate levels.  

D. Review of student provision

Every student will have an Annual Review of the EHC Plan with any recommendations for change.  The effectiveness of student provision, including the teaching and support they receive, is also included in all school evaluation programmes.

E. Outreach Commissioned

There are no commissioned outreach arrangements.

F. Funding and moderation processes

The Council will develop and put in place governance arrangements that ensure that the different pathways and numbers within them are part of a moderation process involving specialist provision leaders so that cohort changes are recognised and there is parity across provisions in terms of judgements.

G. Funding and moderation processes

Once a pupil’s place has been confirmed, the SEN team will liaise with the pupil’s primary school to gain a full picture of need and current provision.  This usually includes attending the Year 6 Annual Review.  The pupil is invited to attend induction mornings within school, in addition to the Induction events arranged for all Year 7 pupils.

From the beginning of Key Stage 4, we support the pupils to begin considering their post-16 options, including supporting visits to alternative placements where appropriate.  Where a pupil chooses to move on from Glenthorne, we support a detailed handover to the new school or college.