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Muschamp Primary School Statement of Provision

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Muschamp Primary School Statement of Provision

Date: September 2022

A. School/base Expertise and Capacity

Student numbers: 52

3 base classes (10-20 per class) taught by one teacher per class full time. Our base is for children with a prime need of Speech and Language.

Pupil’s time in mainstream is decided on an individual basis but is approximately 30% mainstream in a school week. Some pupils access a significantly lower e.g. 0% or higher 90% or their time in mainstream.

Inclusion in mainstream is increased as the pupils progress through the school if appropriate and ideally pupils in Year 6 transferring to mainstream high school will be attending base for a minimal part of their school week. E.g. attending social skills lessons and speech and language therapy.

Aims and Outcomes

  • To access mainstream curriculum content, if appropriate, and make good progress from their starting point

  • To be able to communicate their needs and wants in a manner appropriate to them.

  • To develop social skills so they can interact socially, make friends and learn to resolve conflicts as well as interact reasonably with adults.

  • To use therapy outcomes within class and home environment and embed them into practice. To learn to manage emotions, i.e. implement self-regulation strategies and cope with unpredicted changes.

Curriculum adaptations

The National Curriculum is adapted to the needs of the group. Our Reception, Year 1 and 2 group frequently follow the Early Years curriculum with a focus on free flow practical activities.

Our Years 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 groups work on the National Curriculum often focussed a year or two below their chronological age related curriculum. 

If a pupil is at age related levels then they would, if suitable, be included into their mainstream class for this subject.

The children also partake in Social skills, fine and gross motor skills, sensory sessions and speaking and listening focussed groups which are planned in collaboration with SALT and OT Therapists.

B. Provision

  • Higher level of adult: child support, normal ratio is 1:6 and this is within smaller teaching groups of up to 20 children.

  •  Separate teaching areas comprising of 3 base classrooms which are for Reception, Year 1 and 2 children, Year 3 and 4 children and Year 5 and 6 children. 

  • Access to on-site speech therapists and Occupational Therapists as prescribed by the pupils EHCPs. We currently provide 1518 hours of Speech and language therapy to 48 children in the language base and 685.5 hours of OT to 31 children in the language base.  Children are on packages of 2,4,6 or 10 sessions of SaLT per term and 1,2,3,4,6 or 10 of OT per term depending on the nature and severity of their needs and their response to therapy. The children that are the most appropriately placed in the language base have regular/ intensive SaLT written into their EHCPs (as speech and/ or language disorders are their primary need) , i.e. packages of 6, 8 or 10 sessions of SaLT per term.  SaLT and OT targets are practised and generalised in the classroom by teachers and TAs in between therapy sessions.

  • Access to ELSA, Intensive Interaction Specialist, yoga and play therapists as appropriate.

  • Modified curriculum to ensure access to learning.

  •  Access to on site sensory room and soft room.

  • Access to mainstream classes as and when appropriate supported as required. Currently we have pupils integrating into mainstream for a variety of length of time ranging from 0% to 85%. 

  • Explicit teaching and practised work of Social skills 

  • Explicit teaching and practised work of speaking and listening skills and strategies

  • Specific teaching and practised work on emotional self-regulation 

  • Specific teaching of fine and gross motor skills as advised by OT

  • Inclusion into mainstream for all extra-curricular and school events. 

  • Termly formal reviews of SSPs with parents /carers to focus on next steps

  • Parental support for advice including training, workshops and opportunities to meet with other parents.

Therapies Provision

On site SALT and OT as prescribed by the pupils EHCP.

Intensive Interaction Specialist, Yoga, ELSA and  Play therapist available as appropriate

Preparation for Adult Life

  • Increased exposure to mainstream school environment eg socially, through access to some mainstream lessons or activities, to invitation sessions with peers, to practising strategies for eg noisier environments (as individuals are ready)

  • Increased independence through developing self-help in learning and emotional regulation and sensory environmental control

  • Preparation for transfer to next setting or provision

  • Communicative and social programme covering topics such self-awareness; making and keeping friends; anxiety and managing disappointments

  • Social and mental health; how to foster friendships; network of friends and experience of local community activities

Enrichment / social activities

  • All Base pupils are included in all mainstream school trips and events including shows, sponsored events visits from external groups e.g Tudor day, sports day etc. 

  • Regular trips out to local area for life skills, and reinforcement of key learning, SALT targets etc.

  • Specific lessons focused on life skills e.g. prepare healthy meals or snacks

  • All Base pupils have access to the after school clubs running in school such as Football, multi skill sports and drama.

  • Parental involvement including regular events in school for social interaction and support such as workshops, coffee mornings and Touch base sessions.

Support staffing (per week per class, on average)

2x 32.5 hours Senior Teaching Assistants per class.

Staff move between specialist and mainstream provision with the pupils as required.

Pupils are supported throughout their day including during break and lunchtimes as required. STA also required to collect and deliver pupils to transport at beginning and end of day

SALT,OT,SSP etc sessions are included within this timeframe.

C. Admission Process

Reception: Sutton participates in the Pan-London Co-ordinated Admission Scheme for entry to Primary School. Applications should be made through the child’s home Local Authority.

In-Year /  Mid-Term: Applications outside the normal point of entry to Reception should be made to the London Borough of Sutton.

Criteria for Admission

School/base may be the right place for a student if they fulfil some or all of the criteria below:

  • Students between the ages of 4 and 11 and has a speech and language delay and associated difficulties** as their prime need within their Education, Health and Care plan which means that they require:

  • A significant input of a specialised curriculum delivered in small groups with high adult: child ratios by staff trained in this area

  • Embedded therapy work, supported by advice from specialists, that is delivered within the context of the planned curriculum in teaching groups whenever possible and in 1-1 or small groups otherwise

  • the student’s ASC is not associated with severe learning difficulties, high level of social communication needs and the student needs a primary mainstream curriculum to fulfil their potential

  • The student can work successfully in a small group environment; they are able to self-regulate and manage interactions with others within this context for the vast majority of the time.  They can meet behaviour expectations that children allow others to learn and to feel safe and secure

The student may have additional difficulties frequently associated with Speech and Language Delay that need targeted provision within the small and nurturing environment of the base such as:

  • sensory needs 

  • fine and gross motor difficulties (such as dyspraxia and dysarthria), verbal dyspraxia, difficulties with attention (such as ADHD). 

  • Self-regulation needs that need ELSA or additional input that may be individualised or within a small group programme 

  • A behaviour plan to develop behaviours as part of a short and medium term strategy

  • In terms of sensory and behavioural needs, these additional needs would need to be compatible with placement in the mainstream and base environment.  This includes the child able to work successfully and safely within the teaching group, as the usual way of working, with a neutral or positive impact on others’ progress and well-being.

D. Review of student provision

Every student will have an Annual review of the EHC Plan yearly as well as termly meetings with staff for SSPS (SEN Support Plans). Parents are invited in for Welcome Wednesdays so they can see what their children have been doing in an informal way as well as parents evening twice a year and end of year reports. At annual reviews the child’s progress is discussed and all professionals involved with the child attend. This is a chance to share how the child has been working and look to the future of what the next steps are and to ensure the children are being given the best possible support. It will also be time to discuss if we felt the provision needed to be changed in any way.

E. Outreach Commissioned

Any outreach, its terms, focus and provision etc, together with any referral process.

F. Funding and moderation processes

No information provided.

G. Funding and moderation processes

We ensure we work with our parents of the children in our Language Base to prepare the children for their secondary school move. We provide the children with booklets about their school and what to expect and invite teachers in from their new schools. We also help to arrange a number of days to visit their new school to help it become more familiar. Some of our year 6 children are also taking part in travel training programme to help them become more independent and ready for going to Secondary School.

We also ensure that transition between year groups is planned for and children are given a photo booklet of the teaching staff and the space they will be in and they also have a page that shows them what stays the same and what changes when they move to the new year group.

We plan for times for their new teacher to visit them in their current classroom as well as time for them to visit the new classroom they will be in and then they also have an opportunity to bring their parents in to see their new classroom. We also have Pupil Passports which outline the child’s likes and dislikes, ways they can be supported as well as triggers which are shared with all teaching staff.