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Health Services for Children and Young People with Complex Medical Needs

Here you can find information about services to support young people with complex medical needs.

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There are a range of services to support children and young people with complex medical needs.

Children’s Community Nursing Service

The Children’s Community Nursing Service work with babies, children and young people (BCYP), their families, carers, education staff and other relevant health and social care colleagues. The service is based in Queen Mary’s Hospital for Children, St. Helier Hospital but the staff work in community settings. Referral requests commonly come from either hospital services or via the patient’s GP. To be eligible for the service the BCYP must be under 18, registered with a Sutton GP and have a defined nursing need.

 The service aims to meet BCYP’s individual health needs in their home, school and community environment by providing direct nursing care and/or:

  • Supporting and enabling families / carers and education staff to care for individual BCYP’s nursing needs as a result of a medical condition, life limiting or life-threatening condition

  • Empower and enable individual patients and their families / carers to become more independent in managing their condition

  • Provide and arrange servicing of appropriate medical equipment and supplies in a timely manner to enable the BCYP to remain in the home, community, nursery or school setting

  • Prevent hospital admission and reduce hospital length of stay

  • Reduce the level of disruption and return to the routine of BCYP and families / carers

 The service works collaboratively with:

  • The child or young person

  • Families and carers

  • Social Care

  • Education

  • Therapists

  • GPs

  • Consultants in local or tertiary hospitals

  • Specialist nurses

  • Voluntary Agencies

 Contact can be made via the Children's Community Nursing Service, Queen Mary's Hospital for Children Telephone: 020 8296 3075 

Wheelchair and Specialist Seating Service

The wheelchair service is based at Queen Mary’s Hospital Roehampton. They provide specialist assessment and provision for wheelchairs and postural mobility seating. They also provide pressure care to children and young people with mobility difficulties.

The Wheelchair Service is delivered by a specialist team of staff. They have skills in a wide range of clinical areas to enhance young people's mobility needs. Visit the Wheelchair Service website for more information [External Link].

They accept referrals for assessment for children and young people under 18. They must be registered with a Sutton GP and come from healthcare professionals.

Specialist Equipment

Specialist equipment can be provided for young people with complex health needs or disabilities. A range of equipment is available. This depends on the young person's health needs and could include:

  • Specialist Beds and Sleep Systems

  • Pressure Mattresses

  • Postural Support Systems

  • Special Seating

  • Standing Frames

  • Walking and Mobility Aids

  • Communication Aids

Requests for equipment can be made for young people under 18. They must be registered with a Sutton GP. Requests are usually made by healthcare professionals. This includes community nurses and therapists.

Children’s Continuing Care

Sutton’s Children’s Continuing Care provides health care and support to families of young people. These young people have complex medical needs or palliative care needs. This includes end of life care. The service is for young people under the age of 18 who registered with a Sutton GP. They must meet the health eligibility criteria. Continuing Care meets the needs of young people and their families in a range of locations. This includes at home or over-night stays in specialist provision. Continuing care providers in Sutton include:

  • Epsom and St Helier Children's Community Nursing Team

  • Specialist Palliative Care Provision via Shooting Stars Chase Children's Hospice.

Shooting Stars Chase ensures all young people and their families with palliative needs can access the services they need. This includes:

  • Specialist Consultant and Nursing Palliative Care Medical Support and Advice

  • Admission for Symptom Management

  • Short Breaks and Respite Care

  • Hospice at Home

  • End of Life Care

  • Bereavement Support

To find out more, visit the Shooting Star Chase Children's Hospice website [External Link].

Referrals for assessment for eligibility come from healthcare and social care professionals.