Short Breaks for Pupils with SEND
Find out what short breaks are and how to refer a pupil for an assessment.
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A short break provides opportunities for eligible children and young people with disabilities to take part in positive activities. They work towards agreed outcomes while providing respite for their families and carers.
Short breaks can take place in the home or in the community. They are personal to the child and young person's individual needs. They can include day, evening, overnight, weekend or holiday activities.
How do I access a Short break?
Short breaks sit within the Children and young people with Disabilities Service (CYPDS). To request access to a short breaks service, you will need to refer via the Children’s First Contact Service (CFCS). For further information on eligibility please visit the Short Breaks page on the London Borough of Sutton website [External Link]. You can also find more information about the referral form and short breaks process here.
The CYPDS service has developed a Bitesize Briefing to support professionals and families. This is to help you understand what a short break is.
Further information can also be found on Sutton's Short Breaks Service Statement by visiting the LBS website [External Link].
Legislation for the provision of short breaks
Local authorities have a range of legal duties to provide breaks for carers and disabled children. They can last from just a few hours to a few days. They can be longer, depending on the type of provision and needs of the family.
The “Breaks for Carers of Disabled Children” Regulations 2011 provide further detail on how local authorities must perform their duty in the Children Act 1989. These are to provide breaks as part of the range of services they provide for families. This is to support carers to continue to care for their young person at home and to allow them to do so more effectively. Short Breaks guide for local authorities can be read here on the GOV.UK website [External Link].
In summary, the Short Breaks Regulations require local authorities to do three things:
To ensure that, when making short break provision, they have regard to the needs of different types of carers. They must not just consider those who would be unable to continue to provide care without a break.
To provide a range of breaks, during the day, night, at weekends and during the school holidays. These should be appropriate to the individual.
To provide parents and carers with a short breaks services statement. This describes the range of available breaks and any eligibility criteria attached to them.
Further information on Short Breaks is available by contacting: Telephone: 020 8770 6001 Email: or visiting the LBS Short Breaks web pages [External Link].