Support to pupils in the Early Years (0-5) who may have SEND
Find information on non-financial support available from external sources for Children in the Early Years (0-5) who may have SEND.
Learn moreFind information on the main features of the current funding system for SEND including specialist placements and personal budgets.
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Funding arrangements for pupils with SEND can be difficult to understand.
This section aims to describe the main features of the current funding system for SEND. It is a national system i.e not specific to Sutton alone.
Introduction to SEND funding in Sutton
Local authorities receive a grant from the Department for Education called the Dedicated Schools Grant, or ‘DSG’. It is made up of four 'blocks'.
The four blocks are:
Schools’ Block - this is money that is provided directly to mainstream schools in the borough as their main source of income. This funding includes an amount called ‘notional SEND funding’. This is so schools can provide the SEND provision that is ordinarily available in mainstream state funded education settings (schools). It is provided to meet most of the more ‘predictable needs’ of pupils in mainstream schools. For example, those needs that schools are likely to see most years or in most year groups. This funding will be used for schools and colleges to use their best endeavours to fully assess the needs of their pupils and Plan, Do, Review the provision they require. This Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle is what we refer to as the graduated h.
The High Needs Block - pays for the provision for all pupils and students aged 0 to 25 where the needs of pupils with SEND are considered ‘exceptional’. This may mean they need more provision than would be ordinarily available in mainstream state funded education settings. This includes:
Provision in Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
The places and top up funding for a. special schools (In Sutton we have Wandle Valley, The Link, Carew and Sherwood special schools), b. opportunity bases in mainstream schools
Alternative Provision (In Sutton we have STARS and Limes)
Together with therapies and SEND support services etc.
The Central Services Block - pays for some LA costs centrally which are not SEND related.
The Early Years Block - pays for the costs of the free childcare entitlement in the Borough for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Within this allocation there is the EY SEND inclusion fund. This meets the low and emerging SEND needs of children accessing their free childcare entitlement in Sutton early years settings.
The two main sources of funding for pupils with SEND in the Borough are schools' Notional Funding and the High Needs Block.
Find information on non-financial support available from external sources for Children in the Early Years (0-5) who may have SEND.
Learn moreFind information on the SEND funding available for young people and adults ages 16 - 25 years.
Learn moreFind information on the Specialist Provisions available for pupils with complex needs.
Learn moreFind out what short breaks are and how to refer a pupil for an assessment.
Learn moreFind out information about notional funding and budgets.
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