Support for Childcare Providers
Find out what support and training is available to childcare providers in Sutton
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Support for all childcare providers and schools is provided by Cognus Limited Early Years advisory team.
The Early Years advisory team are a team of early years specialists and include:
Early Years Advisors
Special Educational Needs Advisors
Childminder Development Officer
What we do
support, advise and challenge all early years settings, schools and childminders in developing and maintaining good inclusive practice
promote enjoyment, achievement and attainment through high quality provision, environments and experiences for all children including those with special educational needs and disabilities
provide training and visits to all early years providers
support practitioners to strengthen partnership working, including parents and carers
promote effective transitions within the early years and key stage one
provide strategic support to increase places for 2 year olds
support quality improvement and self-reflective practice
to share best practice and information across all sectors of early years
improve communication through network meetings and forums
work as part of a multi-disciplinary team with health, social care and education to provide the best outcomes for families and children with special educational needs and disabilities
advise on the Ofsted framework for early years
represent the early years workforce on various local panels and working groups and liaise with colleagues where necessary
support and training for the named SEN coordinator in his or her role
delivery of training on various aspects of SEN throughout the year and providing 'in-house' training to whole settings, where needed, on request
visits to each group setting throughout the year to observe children, attend meetings with parents, practitioners and other professionals, give advice to key persons, help to set individual targets, modelling of appropriate strategies, providing written reports and general feedback
giving general advice to settings' management regarding inclusive practice and procedures, policy writing etc
provide 'how to become a childminder' training to prospective childminders and undertake pre-registration visits for childminders
SEN Inclusion Funding
SEN inclusion funding is available to childcare providers who are providing childcare for children who are identified as having an SEN and who are known to the SEN Advisory Team.
SEN inclusion funding is allocated each term, based on the children's needs and the providers ability to support them. If you think you would be eligible for SEN inclusion funding please get in contact with your SEN Advisor.
Training for childcare providers
Training for groupcare providers on the early years can be found by clicking the button below. For details on training available for childminders please contact your Childminder Development Officer.
Book onto upcoming training
Delivering childcare entitlements
For information and advice on the delivery of the free entitlement funding please contact the free entitlement team. If you are a new FEF provider please contact the Family Information Service on 020 8770 6000.
Contact the Free Entitlement Funding Team
More about Free Childcare and Early Years Entitlements
To find out more about the Free Childcare and Early Years Entitlements, visit our pages on this website
Read more about Childcare and Early Years Entitlements
Childcare Works
Childcare Works provide support to childcare providers on delivering early years entitlements. Their support is available to all providers.
Find out more about Childcare Works