What is this service?
Are you a young person with a learning disability living or learning in Sutton? Talk about issues affecting young people, play games and quizzes, make friends. Wednesdays fortnightly from 5:00 - 18:30.
There are both Zoom and in-person meetings.
What do we do?
Group discussions
Learn how to speak up
Be confident!
Drama, dance, music and exercise
Drumming sessions
Social events like bowling, going to the pub and games
Independent travel training
Mystery shopping
You have a voice. What you say matters!
Action Voices speak up to the council to help make important changes to make life better for young people with disabilities.
The group talks about issues affecting young people's lives and speak up for other young people
You can help make important changes to make life better for young people with disabilities
Join us to speak up and have fun!
Good to know
- Cost: Free
- Additional information:
Young people (aged 12-25) with learning disabilities.