Advocacy for All is a locally-rooted advocacy organisation with a strong history, that exists to give people a voice through one to one advocacy and self-advocacy groups. We believe that Bigger Voices = Better Lives.
- SEND Local Offer
We are the only helpline that knows enough about Speech, Language, Communication Needs to help you understand your child’s difficulties, what help (s)he needs and how to get it.
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We also offer a ‘listening ear’ if you just want to talk to someone who understands. No query is too small or too silly. If you are worried or even just want to check there’s nothing else you need to know or do, please get in touch.
We are the experts on getting the right help for children and young people with SLCN and all related queries. In particular, we can give information about:
Speech, language and communication difficulties – the various types, how to identify them and how they affect children and young people
How to get a diagnosis and why you might need one
Speech and language therapy
How schools can and should help
Choosing the right school for your child
The statutory assessment process, plans, statements and your legal rights to help for your child
Disability related Benefits
Any other relevant issue
Advocacy for All is a locally-rooted advocacy organisation with a strong history, that exists to give people a voice through one to one advocacy and self-advocacy groups. We believe that Bigger Voices = Better Lives.
We are the UK’s eating disorder charity.
Cerebra is the national charity helping children with brain conditions and their families discover a better life together.