Suitable for anyone who is going through the perimenopause or menopause and would like to find out more about how yoga can help alleviate this stage.
Get active from the comfort of your own home with Couch to Fitness by Our Parks. Bit by bit you’ll feel fitter, when you stick to our free fitness programme. It’s amazing what a difference it can make!
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Start your nine week fitness plan. Free from start to finish.
Expert instructors will encourage you through 30 minute sessions, three times per week. The sessions are suitable for multiple fitness levels, with no equipment needed.
Now is the perfect time to start - in your home, at your pace, in your own time.
Couch to Fitness is brought to you by Our Parks.
Suitable for anyone who is going through the perimenopause or menopause and would like to find out more about how yoga can help alleviate this stage.
There are a mix of free to use and paid for courts in Sutton.
The Active 10 app anonymously records every minute of walking you do. Just pop your phone in your pocket and away you go!