The 15th Wallington Scout Group provides fun and adventure for young people with additional needs.
- SEND Local Offer
Focus Surrey Saturday Club utilises the principles of ABA to teach social and group skills via a natural environment teaching approach.
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FOCUS Surrey is a Saturday club for children with autism.
Children with autism are taught social and early years skills in line with the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis. The approach will be fun, nurturing, child-centred, play-based and include natural environment teaching.
The club runs two terms a year - from February to May and September to December every Saturday from 10am to 12pm for children aged up to 10 and from 1pm to 3pm for children aged from 11 to 16.
The club provides ongoing training for volunteer tutors which is led by autism experts - Board Certified Behaviour Analysts (BCBAs). The consultants will set targets and be on hand to advise parents about behaviours and communication targets.
Parents currently must stay on site during club hours. There is a parent’s seating area with free tea, coffee and biscuits, and Wi-Fi throughout the centre. Focus club organisers have also planned networking and some speaker events for parents.
There are also regular SEN discos held.
The 15th Wallington Scout Group provides fun and adventure for young people with additional needs.
All Aboard Club runs inclusive train-play sessions for autistic, ADHD and SEND children, where they can build their confidence, develop their social skills and just be themselves.
At Challengers, we break down the barriers to play and make it possible for every disabled child or young people to play and have fun, without limits. We support children and young people aged 2 – 18 at our range of services, located across the South East of England.