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Gig Buddies Croydon

Gig Buddies matches people with and without learning disabilities who have similar interests to go to events, gigs & activities together. If you are based in Croydon/or surrounding boroughs, we want to hear from you!

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Logo shows two large letters G and B in orange text. Beneath is written Croydon in white letters with a pink background.

Key information


Age Group

  • 19 - 20 years
  • 21 - 30 years

What is this service?

Gig Buddies makes sure that people with learning disabilities don’t miss out on a social life by enabling people to make friends with members of their community.

Gig Buddies is about empowering people, building friendships and giving people choice about what they do with their own lives.

We support adults with learning disabilities aged 18 years or over and who live at home with family, carers, or who live on their own and find it difficult to get out and about.

Priority will go to people who get little or no funded support.

The project grew out of Sussex charity Stay Up Late and has expanded across the UK. Club Soda is currently the only organisation in London running Gig Buddies!

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